Event Tickets with Ticket Scanner


Selling event or party tickets, member entrance with any expiration date, multipass tickets, family tickets and more. Selling different kind of tickets and redeeming them was never so easy.
Optional create your own ticket look and feel with the ticket designer. The built-in anti-double-redeem-protection protects you for fake tickets beeing used.
Use the built-in browser-based ticket scanner or your own ticket scanner. Hand out badges as PDF to your customers and much more.

Whats in for you

Sell tickets for your event or party and redeem the ticket at the entrance with the free Tickets with WooCommerce plugin, from the team behind the Serial Code Validator in WordPress.

You can make your tickets look unique by adding a banner, logo and background image. The same applies also for the event or party flyer.
You can offer event badges for your event. So your customer can wear them during the event. With the badge editor you can controll the look and fell.

The QR code on the ticket can be customized, so that you can use your own ticket scanner and software if needed.
Your third party solution can be informed once a ticket is redeemed by a webhook.
You can give other person access to your ticket scanner with Auth Token System.

Quick start video

This plugin makes it easy to sell tickets and redeem them at the event location entrance for you in-person or virtual events. It integrates easely with your WooCommerce products.

Install the plugin and set your products to be a event ticket product. That’s it.

The plugin will generate a secure ticket number and add them to the mail to your clients. It will also generate a PDF with the ticket information and QR code. The built-in ticket scanner allows you and your team to redeem the tickets by scanning the QR-code. You can also use an external keyboard scanner by using the text input field on the ticket scanner page.

You can even import your own ticket numbers, but it will generate them also on the fly. The freedom is in your hands.

The best is to try it out. So many options. Don’t be shy, give it a try – you have nothing to loose 😀

Shop: Sell event and party tickets with your normal products. The plugin will create the ticket number on the fly or use unused ticket numbers from your ticket number list for each sold item.

Validation of ticket numbers: You customer can validate a ticket number on your page. The ticket number generator gives you a flexible pattern to generate ticket numbers upfront. You can also import your existing codes.

Validation of tickets: You customer will get a link to a detail page and a PDF for each sold ticket.

Build your own stolen ticket number database: Support your customer and yourself to protect stolen ticket numbers to be sold or used to others. Mark reported ticket numbers as stolen and let others check the ticket numbers with the ticket number validator.

How can you setup the ticket numbers?
The ticket numbers will be generated by the plugin automatically, if you do not set up ticket numbers upfront.
You can enter your ticket numbers within the WP admin area in the ticket number section (a new menu point in the wordpress amdin area).
You can generate your own ticket numbers manually using the ticket number generator or import existing ticket numbers.
And you are also able to add your own ticket numbers by just entering them to the generated ticket numbers below the ticket number generator.
If needed you can assign the ticket (numbers) to a list which helps you to organize the tickets. The ticket list need to be assigned to a WooCommerce product.
Create one or more ticket lists to use the WooCommerce functionality.
Create bundle products – determine how many ticket numbers should be created with the sale of one product.

How the ticket number works
You define your look and feel for your ticket numbers. The generated ticket numbers will be unique. After you are satisfied with the generated ticket numbers, you can start the adding step.
The ticket adding step will check if the ticket number is unique on the server before adding it.
If the ticket number exists already on the server, it will not be added.

The ticket number generator provides a lot of features:

  • Ticket number prefix – you can enter a fixed prefix to each ticket number
  • Length of ticket number
  • Only letters
  • Uppercase, Lowercase or both
  • Exclusion of letters that are easy to missread (i,l,o,q,p)
  • Delimiter possible: [None, -, :, SPACE] – you decide after how many letters within the ticket number
  • CVV code generation (only numbers)

Yes, this is a fork of the serial code validator plugin. We decided to make it an own plugin out of it. So to add more and more features that are not related to serial codes but to event tickets.


At the bottom of this page you will find a complete list of all features.

  • Sell event tickets as PDF with WooCommerce
  • Single entrance, mulitpass, family pass, member card with expiration date and more
  • Add QR, tickets, badges, additional PDF pages to the purchase order emails.
  • Download PDF of ticket to print it as a badge for your customers
  • Attach your own PDF to the ticket PDF (will be added as additional pages)
  • Also for professional usage – use your QR and barcode scanner to verify the tickets
  • WooCommerce product variants supported
  • Generate flyer for your party or event
  • Redeem event tickets at the entrance using the included ticket scanner page (mobile ready)
  • Add ICS calendar file or a ticket to the purhcase email and ticket detail page
  • Store WooCommerce orderid, itemid and productid to a ticket that was generated or used for a product sale
  • You can now set a unique ticket number format for all WooCommerce product that are using a ticket number
  • You can now set the ticket number format directly also on the WooCommerce product detail page if needed
  • Use your codes to restrict purchases that allow a purchase of this product only if the buyer has a code for it (purchase allowance code)
  • Add your own messages for the ticket number validation form for your customers
  • Add your own message for the “product stolen” validation message
  • Disable the validation form for not logged in wordpress user
  • User can register to a ticket (with the wordpress user id if needed) after the ticket number is checked – this makes your code one-time usable
  • Display registered user information of a ticket number during the validation if you need this
  • One time check can have a maximum check amount based on ticket list or based on the global settings
  • The user can be forwared (redirected) to an URL after the ticket number was checked – to show more details
  • Webhooks – you can inform other systems about ticket redeemed status and validation steps
  • Display assigned tickets to your user with a shortcode [sasoEventTickets_code]
  • Add images to the ticket (header, background and Footer)
  • Adopt font size for the PDF ticket
  • Forcing responsive design for the ticket scanner for better experience
  • Allow multiple redeem times for multi usage tickets
  • Ticket badge designer for maximum control of the look and feel

Technical Requirments

WordPress, Woocommerce, php-curl, php-imagick


A Quick start is shown in this video.
A good first start is to open the event ticket admin area and create a list first, if not already done or if you do not want to use the default ticket list.
Go to your WooCommerce product and activate the ticket sale option and set the list.
Check out all the possible options in the event ticket admin area to understand, how to tweak your usages of plugin.
Optional: Then add your ticket number by importing (add button at the ticket table) or assign the ticket list to your products.
Optional: If you need a validation form for your users, to check the ticket number, then please add the shortcode [sasoEventTicketsValidator] to a page.

Steps to start

  • Go to the admin area and click on menu “Event Tickets”.
  • Click on button “Add” next to the heading “List”.
  • Go to your “ticket” product and set the option with in the product settings “Event Tickets”
    To scan the QR code of the sold tickets at the entrance:
  • Go to the admin area and click on menu “Event Tickets”.
  • Click on the button “Ticket Scanner” at the top area
  • Scan tickets and redeem them

Try it out first, before you go Premium! “Here you can find the premium plugin”.

Build your own Stolen products database

You can set the status of a ticket number to be marked as stolen. This way you can offer your customers a way to report a stolen product. Other buyers of used products can validate the ticket number on your website and will be notified with a “Product is stolen” warning.
This could increase sales and help reducing theft of your products.
The check behaviour will be like “inactive codes” but with the stolen message. You can change the stolen message within the options area of the serial code admin.

Protection with CVV

You can set a code verification value (CVV) to protect your tickets. The validation check will ask the user to enter both for a valid check.
That way you increase the security of your ticket numbers and prevent stealing the numbers (If you are able hide the CVV on your packaging).
If you use a CVV on a ticket number, then the user will be asked to enter this CVV too during the validation. If the CVV on your ticket number is not set or empty it will be ignored and your customer is not asked for it.

Woocommerce support for auto-generating tickets

Supports version 6+
You can use this plugin to auto-generate tickets and codes for your woocommerce products
* Create a code list
* Go to your WooCommerce product and edit the product which should receive a ticket
* Go to your WooCommerce product and edit the product which should receive a code – if needed
* Click on “Event Tickets” in the attribute area of your product
* Choose the “List” that will be used for this product

Everytime this product is sold, it will get a new generated ticket number/code or use an unused one within your list (This need to be activated within the option settings). The new code will be added to the code list you set on your WooCommerce product and to the product sale too.
If the sold product quantity in the order is more than 1, then a ticket number/code will be generated for each element. The code will be generated after the purchase. In case of a refund the code will be recovered and marked as unused, so that it can be reused.

E.g.: Your customer bought 2 of the same product within one order, then 2 tickets will be generated and stored to the product item within this order.

WooCommerce Ticket Features

  • Automatically create and assign tickets for physical products and digital products
  • Recover tickets assigned to refunded orders
  • Option to reuse the recovered tickets with the latest orders
  • Automatically deliver the tickets with the complete order email
  • Automatically a ticket as PDF for download and add the download link to the complete order email.
  • Automatically deliver the tickets and download URL with the optional PDF invoice “WooCommerce PDF Invoices”
  • Download a flyer for your event or party

WooCommerce Code Features

  • Automatically create and assign codes for physical products and digital products
  • Recover code assigned to refunded orders
  • Option to reuse the recovered codes with the latest orders
  • Automatically deliver the codes with the complete order email
  • Automatically deliver the codes with the optional PDF invoice “WooCommerce PDF Invoices”

Please note:
If you exceed your limit (no limits for premium user) of the amount of possible tickets/codes, then the ticket/code added to the sold product will be a text information: “Please contact our support for the code”.
This way your business is not harmed and your customer can contact you to get a code manually. The format of the code will be 12345-12345-12345-12345 if you do not set a generation format within the options.

WooCommerce PDF Invoices support to display the ticket numbers on the PDFs

If you use “WooCommerce PDF Invoices”, then the generated ticket numbers/codes are displayed on the generated PDFs too!
The supported PDF plugin is from Ewout Fernhout.

WooCommer Ticket Sale

You can add a list to your product and sell tickets. The ticket will be added to the sale informations for you and your client.
The client will also have a link to check the ticket and mark the ticket as used, only if the order is set to completed. This will mark the ticket as redeemed.
You can check the entrance by letting your customer show the confirmation page and hit on the “redeem”-button.
Or you scan the QR code of the ticket with the ticket scanner (included). The ticket is also available as PDF for download to your customers.
Checkout the video, how it works


We have different frontend elements. Just to sell tickets and scan them, you do not need to add any shortcodes to your pages.

Frontend event tickets

Your customer will receive a specific URL to the ticket detail page. You can control which information to display. additional they can download the ticket as a PDF.
The ticket will contain a QR code, that can be scanned by you or your team (no loggin to WordPress needed) and redeem the ticket.
Watch the video for it

Frontent to validate the ticket number

  • Use the shortcode [sasoEventTicketsValidator]
  • Create a page or use an existing one and add the shortcode to the page
  • The shortcode will be replaced for your users by a form to enter the ticket number and a button to validate the ticket. This allows you to surround the form with your own heading and instruction.
  • Each ticket number has a display version (e.g. XYZXYZ -> XYZ-XYZ), so it is easier for your user to read the ticket number.
  • The check will remove the display delimiter “-“, “:”, ” ” for the check automatically.
  • So your user can enter the ticket number with or without delimiters.

If you use CVV on a code and the user enter the ticket number that requires a cvv, then your user will be ask to enter the CVV.
The user could enter the CVV immediately with the code. Separate the value with …


  • Ticket Details Mobile The ticket details are also optimized for mobile devices.
  • Ticket Details Desktop You can define what will be shown on the ticket.
  • Ticket PDF Your customer can download the ticket as a PDF.
  • Ticket scanner Scan and redeem the tickets at the entrance on mobile and desktop devices.
  • Ticket Badge Print out your ticket badge with customer name on it.
  • Options 1 Ticket options.
  • Options 3 Created tickets backend admin area.
  • Options 4 Ticket numbers can be pre generated if needed.
  • Flyer example You can also adjust your event or party flyer.
  • Ticket example You can adjust different areas of the PDF ticket.
  • Product settings You overwrite the format of the ticket number and activate the ticket sale.
  • Options 5 Adjust the information on the flyer.
  • Order Ticket Detail View Quick ticket scan possible with the order ticket detail view.


  • WordPress 5.0 or greater
  • PHP version 7.0 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater


  1. Install the pluging using the WordPress built-in Plugin installer.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Click on the menu “Event Tickets” and browse the options – optional.
  4. Edit your product to generate a event ticket.

Quick Setup

This plugin extend WooCommerce to be able to setup your product as a ticket. Go to the product. Open the Event Tickets tab and activate the checkbox. Set the ticket list and fill out the other details if needed.
The default is to generate the ticket if the order is “completed”. For automatically order status set to “completed” set up the ticket as a virtual product and/or download product – add a flyer or so as a download.
To test the ticket. Create an order within the order backend, set the order status to “completed” – this will assign the ticket numbers. Check the order email. Click on the ticket detail link to check the ticket detail page.
Create a real test purchase (with coupon code or wire transfer), check the order email.
If you have a 404 page for ticket detail page or ticket scanner page, then set up the compatibility options.

For more help and your first steps, please visit our website


Декабрь 7, 2024-ж.
It seems like a great plugin and extremely easy to use. I’ve checked out several other options, but this one was the most straight – forward. I also received pre-sell support, very fast and accurate, exchanged some emails to clarify the possibilities and limitations. The only one is that it doesn’t wok offline and I will love it if this can be upgraded in the future.Great job!
Август 24, 2024-ж.
We’ve had the pleasure of using this plugin, and I must say, I’m impressed by the amount of work put into it. The plugin is not only highly flexible but also thoughtfully designed, making the ticketing process seamless from start to finish. The scanner feature works efficiently, ensuring a smooth check-in experience. It’s evident that a lot of care and attention to detail went into creating this tool. I truly hope the author continues to support and update this plugin, because despite some bugs and quirks that require workarounds, it remains indispensable for event management.
Апрель 12, 2024-ж.
Smooth installation, incredible features, just open wp-admin on phone and scan ticket to redeem.After a whole day fighting with other WooCommerce extensions, this plugin was a ray of sunshine 🙂
Февраль 26, 2024-ж. 1 reply
I’ve been looking for the right plugin to be used for selling event tickets and vouchers and this is the best one yet! I even bought premium version, which offers PDF ticket with QR code to be attached to customer emails after successfull purchase. Lots of custumzations available.
Read all 19 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Event Tickets with Ticket Scanner” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



2.5.6 – 2025-02-03

  • New column Billing Company for the ticket list within the plugin admin – option displayAdminAreaColumnBillingCompany
  • Key check for error log, to prevent errors if the line is not available
  • Support for daychooser to exclude specific dates, that were added with premium 1.4.4
  • Fix the ugly display of the ticket information within the order for public ticket number and choosen days.
  • Changed the default template to handle the string in product.get_attributes better
  • Added new TWIG tests. object, array, string and numeric. You can use it like: {% if item is array %}.
  • Ticket scanner is now checking the REST API result and parsing it to json in case your server sends the wrong content type.
  • Add header_remove() before sending the PDF to prevent issues from other plugins.

2.5.5 – 2025-01-22

  • Fix test template preview – using again the test template
  • Adjusted default ticket template to display the variant names with a space

2.5.4 – 2025-01-20

  • Some labels and description improvements on the option page
  • Fixed output on the product detail to display the start and end date correctly
  • Changed code to display the correct variant product date
  • Added support for the day chooser on variable products
  • Added more NONCE check to prevent CRFS issues
  • Small fix for the event flyer layout

2.5.3 – 2025-01-14

  • Add error handling if the product is missing during generation of the ticket PDF
  • Improved the error messaging on the cart view for the day picker tickets
  • New option to add input field, dropdown and date picker to the checkout page – wcTicketShowInputFieldsOnCheckoutPage
  • Bug fix for the ticket scanner. The redeem until message is only shown if the date is also set.
  • Removed the prefix OPTIONS from the option – effects only display options name
  • Bug fix for badge PDF – the public ticket number is displayed correctly again

2.5.2 – 2025-01-03

  • Bug fix for “expired” warning for tickets on the ticket scanner

2.5.1 – 2024-12-25

  • Bug fix for attaching ICS file to the order mail
  • Bug fix display woocommerce order date on PDF and ticket

2.5.0 – 2024-12-23

  • Tested with PHP 8.3 – DO NOT RELY ON PHP8 yet if possible. To use URLs in your template for the PDF make sure you have php8.3-curl and php8.3-imagick installed.
  • Add new feature Date Picker for tickets. You can now setup the product to have a start and end time and the day can be chosen by your customer at the cart view.
  • Exclude days for the date picker on product level
  • New label for the error message with the date picker – wcTicketLabelCartForDaychooser and wcTicketLabelCartForDaychooserInvalidDate
  • Displaying the value per ticket, name per ticket and day chosen per ticket to the order email.
  • Fix for label of the value chosen by the dropdown within the cart
  • Adjusted the default ticket template to reflect the day choosen for date picker tickets.

2.4.4 – 2024-12-02

  • Added french language file for the backend. Big thanks to Maxime.
  • Remove HTML from the description of the auth token
  • Remove HTML from the product id list of the auth token

2.4.3 – 2024-11-12

  • On the badge the event date will not be shown if the value at the event is not set. {TICKET.PRODUCT.XYZ}. Properties are ticket_start_date, ticket_end_date, ticket_start_time and ticket_end_time
  • New option to remove tickets from partially refunded order items – wcassignmentOrderItemRefund
  • In order view, the public ticket ids are listed more easier to read
  • Bug fix for additional ticket numbers to an order item. Now the values are corrected and the amount of tickets is correct.
  • Bug fix for delete order – the tickets are removed now

2.4.2 – 2024-10-29

  • Fix wrong error message, if you have no values selected in option adminAreaAllowedRoles.
  • Fix default ordering over the created date if you display additional columns.
  • Preventing and removing “/” from the ticket number formatter prefix value, because this can cause issues on some installations due to the database search. The “/” will be replaced by “-“.
  • Redeemable from info at the ticket scanner only displayed if the option wcTicketDontAllowRedeemTicketBeforeStart is activated.
  • Ticket scanner is not rescanning the same ticket for 10 seconds – this prevents double redeem operation in fast mode.
  • Removed most of the time calculation at the ticket scanner and using calculated times from the server
  • New label for the status “Event ended already” – wcTicketTransTicketNotValidToLateEndEvent
  • Default label value changed from “Redeemed at:” to “Last Redeemed:” – wcTicketTransRedeemDate
  • Fix of some misleading redeem messages. It is now more clear, if the ticket expired, the event did not start yet and it is too late to redeem the ticket.

2.4.1 – 2024-10-21

  • Rework the whole date calculation – again. I hope this time for the last time – tested in Manila and Zurich.
  • New option to display server time and local time to the ticket scanner – option ticketScannerDisplayTimes.
  • Optimize JS file including and added loading the translation to the order detail script.
  • Added the functionality to have the order detail view translated.
  • New column “confirmed count” added to the admin area – option displayAdminAreaColumnConfirmedCount to show it.
  • New default values for the ticket number formatter if not set at all – 21 letter, use also numbers and delimiter with “-” after 7 letters – this makes sure you have enough ticket numbers for the future.
  • New default value for option allowOnlySepcificRoleAccessToAdmin – it was set to false and allowed everyone with access to the backend access to the ticket admin.

2.4.0 – 2024-09-25

  • New option for the QR code. You can now add a padding, to separate the QR code image from a background on your PDF – qrTicketPDFPadding
  • New ticket scanner library – if you want to use the old scanner, then you can add the URL parameter &useoldticketscanner=1 to the ticket scanner URL
  • Increase the speed of the old ticket scanner – just in case
  • Moved the video help link to the option title and more helper videos added

2.3.12 – 2024-09-17

  • Ajusted the Javascript variable for the cart to prevent naming collisions with other plugins
  • Add a second confirmation question before you can empty the data of a table (tickets, ticket lists and error logs)
  • Add a new function to TWIG – stripslahes – and used it on the default templates
  • Inject jQuery to the order ticket view, in case it is not already with your theme loaded
  • Adjust TWIG default template to check if the variant item is a string before printing it on the ticket
  • The user redirect settings (including the URL on the list level) is now also executed with the self-redeem operation – I know, this is more than confusing. Sorry. I did not realize there was already a user redirect, when I was implementing the ticket redirect. Now you have two features for the same. The ticket list URL is only executed if the option userJSRedirectActiv is active.

2.3.11 – 2024-08-28

  • Fix Javascript for the cart view to update the ticket text and value information from the customer
  • Added new filter and action for the ticket output function
  • Using the option date format to display the date values within the admin area data table column
  • URL fix for PDF and badge download with in the emails, so that the ? is not added twice

2.3.10 – 2024-08-14

  • Fix max redeem amount display after the redeem operation within the admin backend
  • Add ACF support for the TWIG editor – you can use get_field to retrieve ACF field values
  • Changed the default value for option wcTicketPDFStripHTML to remove unsupported HTML – it caused too many issues with new users
  • Adopt the way the file location of the images for PDFs are adjusted. It will now use the URL as fallback if the file location cannot be accessed
  • Fix ticket display view for the reload option
  • Fix the expiration message on the ticket detail view
  • Fix expiration check on the redeem operation and ticket scanner

2.3.9 – 2024-07-31

  • Adjustment of the twig ticket templates – not using the date check but a new ticket property “is_event_over”
  • Add new ticket property for twig editor to provide the premium value for expiration “is_expired”
  • Bug fix for the redeem time check on the ticket scanner – I know again, and I am very sorry
  • Added check for user redeem operation for event already ended option
  • Bug fix for the redeem button on the ticket view for your customer. It will be not shown after the event ended
  • Using now the woocommerce date format to display the event date and time on the product view
  • Added the check for the redeem button on the ticket detail view, so that it cannot be self-redeemed before the start and its offset – if activated
  • Added new properties to the ticket variable for the twig template editor
  • Added hidden option for the ticket scanner to display the times from the server and product. Attache to the URL the parameter “displaytime” if needed
  • Small fix for the auth name display – removing HTML tags from the name
  • Extended the shortcode for my codes. You can now add the shortcode with parameter, to get the objects as json. Then you can use own Javascript code to display the values. More about it at the bottom of the admin page.

2.3.8 – 2024-07-17

  • Bug fix for XSS on the auth token name and description

2.3.7 – 2024-07-09

  • Adjusted the text for width and height description
  • Bug fix for customer name search – if the name do not match then no tickets are returned
  • Small optical improvements

2.3.6 – 2024-06-19

  • Adjustment to make the access to the admin page working according to the choosen role and not rights. But the acces right “read” is needed.
  • Enhanced the search for tickets. You add now a text search value if you filter for a ticket list or other information.
  • Force the text color for headings on the ticket scanner to use the assigned color and not use the CSS information, so that the information can be read even if you theme design is dark
  • Bug fix for option wcTicketSetOrderToCompleteIfAllOrderItemsAreTickets – it will not overwrite the item_id and item in the function anymore – resulted in the wrong ticket number in the email

2.3.5 – 2024-05-27

  • Fix domain to the new domain vollstart.com
  • Bug fix for the user role access to the admin area
  • Bug fix auth token redeem operation with one ticket number and/or variant products
  • Removed small typos in the option area

2.3.4 – 2024-05-20

  • Fixed the deprecated warning for the float conversion to int on the PDF library
  • Fixed the auth token QR code content for the one with ticket scanner URL
  • Fix for the attachment error with PHP8
  • Revert new behaviour for the input fields at the cart – not stored automatically again – till the issues are fixed

2.3.3 – 2024-05-14

  • Fix bug for option wcTicketUserProfileDisplayBoughtNumbers
  • Fix bug to display only the price of one item to the ticket instead the sum of order item – what is wrong if you purchase more than 1 of the same item
  • FAQ entry added – for own ticket scanner with full URL in QR code
  • Auth code QR code is using now the full qualified URL to the ticket scanner
  • Fix the ticket badge creation null pointer exception
  • Added auto save for text inputs on the cart
  • Added useful video links for use cases and which option could be helpful

2.3.2 – 2024-05-07

  • Order view is not showning empty name or dropdown value anymore to prevent confusion
  • Order view is not showning the location prefix anymore if the location value is empty
  • Order view is shown captured value or dropwdown value in seperated lines if both are filled out
  • Default end time 23:59 will not be shown anymore if no start time was added
  • Bug fix for wcTicketSetOrderToCompleteIfAllOrderItemsAreTickets. Now only orders in processing are set to completed, if all products are tickets
  • Bug fix for the missing customer name on the tickets table view
  • Bug fix for ticket scanner url within the QR code with option ticketQRUseURLToTicketScanner
  • Warning: Bug fix for the QR code with url to the ticket scanner – the template was adjusted. The code {{ TICKET.qrCodeContent|escape(‘html_attr’)|raw }} is now {{ TICKET.qrCodeContent|raw }}
  • The order view qr code is also evaluating now the option ticketQRUseURLToTicketScanner
  • The QR code images for the email attachments are now also evaluating the option ticketQRUseURLToTicketScanner

2.3.1 – 2024-04-30

  • Bug fix for removing tickets from refunded orders
  • Bug fix for non existing date while creating ICS file to be attached to email – log entry removed if date is missing

2.3.0 – 2024-04-22

  • Bug fix for mixed up options wcTicketDisplayProductAddons and wcTicketDisplayProductAddons
  • Added option to display the addons of a product – wcTicketDisplayProductAddons
  • Bug fix for the validator if the option value is missing
  • New FAQ entry added – How to display meta information of the purchased item?
  • Added a lot of filter and action hooks for implementation partners and plugin developers
  • Moved premium feature wcTicketAddToOrderOnlyWithOrderStatus to premium plugin
  • New option to set the error message for the missing user value and dropdown – wcTicketLabelCartForName, wcTicketLabelCartForValue