Издөө натыйжалары: “ad”
Ad Inserter – Ad Manager & AdSense Ads
(2,342 total ratings)Manage Google AdSense, Media.net, Amazon banners, ads.txt, ad rotation, sticky widgets, AMP ads, DFP, tracking, AdSense header and footer code
Advanced Ads – Ad Manager & AdSense
(1,422 total ratings)The only complete toolkit for all ad types. Grow your revenue with AdSense, Amazon—or any affiliate network. Get pinpoint targeting and best support!
Ads by WPQuads – Adsense Ads, Banner Ads, Popup Ads
(1,084 total ratings)Ads & AdSense Plugin with features like Media.net, DFP, Ads.txt, Web Stories Ads, Click Fraud, Revenue Sharing, Ad Blocker & High Performance.
Classified Listing – Classified ads & Business Directory Plugin
(89 total ratings)A Classified Ads and Business Directory Plugin for WordPress, designed to create Classified ads website, job directory, local business directory.
FlatPM – Ad Manager, AdSense and Custom Code
(9 total ratings)Flat PM is an ad management plugin. You might be thinking, "why do I need it?". It's simple: this is the best plugin for organizing ads …
SAML Single Sign On – SSO Login
(279 total ratings)WordPress SSO ( SAML SSO ) login with Okta, Azure B2C, Azure AD, ADFS, Keycloak, Salesforce, Ping, Onelogin, Google Apps, Shibboleth, etc.
WP AdCenter – Ad Manager & Adsense Ads
(9 total ratings)Manage AdSense, Amazon Ads, Media.net, banner ads, sticky widgets, AMP ads, DFP, tracking, header and footer code, location-specific ads, random ads & …
Universal Google Adsense and Ads manager
(5 total ratings)Universal Google AdSense and Ads Manager is a flexible easy to use Google Adsense, custom ads & script manager WordPress plugin.
Tracking Code Manager
(58 total ratings)A plugin to manage ALL of your tracking code and conversion pixels. Compatible with Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, …
Meks Easy Ads Widget
(14 total ratings)Display unlimited number of ads inside your WordPress widget.
Image Widget
(288 total ratings)A simple image widget that uses the native WordPress media manager to add image widgets to your site.
Directorist: AI-Powered Business Directory Plugin with Classified Ads Listings
(637 total ratings)An Excellent WP Directory Plugin to Create Business Directories, Job Listings, Classified Ads, Booking Directories, Local Directories, and Service Dir …
Corner Ad
(32 total ratings)Corner Ad is a minimally invasive advertising display that uses any of your webpage's top corners – a position typically under-utilized by develo …
Ads.txt Manager
(13 total ratings)Create, manage, and validate your ads.txt and app-ads.txt from within WordPress, like any other content asset.
AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin
(36 total ratings)Advertising is easy with AdPlugg. The AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin and ad server allow you to easily manage, schedule, rotate and track your ads.
Eazy Ad Unblocker
(10 total ratings)Eazy Ad Unblocker notifies the user if ad blockers like AdBlock, AdGuard AdBlocker, AdBlock Plus are blocking advertisements which you paintstakingly …
Ads for Genesis
(3 total ratings)Ads for Genesis allows you to display any kind of ads without coding in your Genesis theme.