Издөө натыйжалары: “calendar”
The Events Calendar
(2,329 total ratings)The Events Calendar: #1 calendar plugin for WordPress. Create/manage events (virtual too!) on your site with the free plugin.
EventPrime – Events Calendar, Bookings and Tickets
(56 total ratings)Modern Events Calendar plugin ❤️ for creating free or paid events. Supports Event Types, Bookings, Tickets, Venues, Performers, and a lot more.
Events Manager – Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!
(519 total ratings)Fully featured events calendar, booking registration (RSVP), recurring events, locations management, Google Maps
Simple Calendar – Google Calendar Plugin
(381 total ratings)Add Google Calendar events to your WordPress site in minutes. Beautiful calendar displays. Mobile responsive.
WP Booking Calendar
(604 total ratings)Original "Booking Calendar" plugin. Easily manage full-day bookings, time-slot appointments, or events in our all-in-one, outstanding booking system.
My Calendar – Accessible Event Manager
(149 total ratings)Accessible WordPress event calendar plugin. Manage single or recurring events, event venues, and display your calendar anywhere on your site.
WP Event Manager – Events Calendar, Registrations, Sell Tickets with WooCommerce
(352 total ratings)Lightweight, scalable and full-featured event listings & management plugin for managing events & tickets from the Frontend and Backend.
WP Booking System – Booking Calendar
(317 total ratings)The booking calendar plugin for WordPress. Get easy online booking with this lightweight and powerful booking calendar.
Editorial Calendar
(77 total ratings)Editorial Calendar allows you to view all your posts, schedule post, make quick edits, and manage your blog by dragging and dropping posts.
WP Simple Booking Calendar
(222 total ratings)This booking calendar shows when something is booked or available. Use it to show when your holiday home is available for rent, for example.
The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block
(84 total ratings)Add shortcode, block and Elementor widget functionality to The Events Calendar Plugin, so you can easily list and promote your events anywhere.
Booking Calendar | Appointment Booking | Bookit
(24 total ratings)Free Booking & Appointment Management Plugin for WordPress – Bookit
Booking for Appointments and Events Calendar – Amelia
(639 total ratings)Amelia is a booking system for appointments and event management that automates scheduling and event booking processes.
EventON – Events Calendar
(33 total ratings)EventON Lite is an event calendar plugin for WordPress, which allows you to create and share vital event information in a clean design.
Event Tickets and Registration
(209 total ratings)Event Tickets allows your visitors to RSVP and buy tickets to events on your site. Also works seamlessly with The Events Calendar.
Sugar Calendar – Events Calendar, Event Tickets, and Events Management Platform
(17 total ratings)Easily manage events and sell tickets on your WordPress site. Sugar Calendar is easy-to-use, reliable, and exceptionally powerful. See for yourself.
The Events Calendar: Category Colors
(61 total ratings)Add event category background colors to The Events Calendar events.
Booking calendar, Appointment Booking System
(115 total ratings)Booking calendar plugin is an awesome tool for creating appointment booking calendars and Scheduling systems in a few minutes.
Styled Calendar – Customizable, Mobile Responsive Google Calendar Embeds
(18 total ratings)Add a fully customized, mobile-responsive Google Calendar embed to your website in just a few simple clicks – no Google Calendar API configuration req …