Издөө натыйжалары: “clone”
Simple removal of posted images
(0 total ratings)Removes all the inserted images in the content section of the posts.
Simple default timezone
(0 total ratings)As Super Administrator, you can set the (default) timezone for all blogs.
A Synchronization
(0 total ratings)Synchronize articles or audios to other platforms. Such as Ximalaya, WeChat OA(need other plugins) etc.
P2P Electronic Cash Payments for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)Bitcoin Cash and SV Payment Gateways for Woocommerce. 0 fees, 0 commissions, no third parties, financial sovereignty.
Feature image for PressBooks
(0 total ratings)You can have features images and images with the post width size in a PressBooks installation
WN Flipbox Pro
(3 total ratings)Create eye catching and professional flipboxes effects to positively impact the user experience of your website, increase the time on page and the CTR …
Black Lives Matter Widget
(0 total ratings)Floating Widget for solidarity with Black Lives Matter Campaign
DFOXM MugglePay For WooCommerce
(2 total ratings)You will need to set up an account on https://merchants.mugglepay.com/user/register?ref=MP9237F1193789.
MG Block Slider
(0 total ratings)A simple slideshow block to use it in any block editor with any type of content. Post, pages, widgets. Anything and anywhere where you want.
eBanqo Widget
(0 total ratings)eBanqo webchat plugin is a fast, convenient way to embed a customizable, real-time messaging platform on your website. Customizing an existing widget …
Icon Footnote
(0 total ratings)Gutemberg block that adds beautiful footnotes using material icons..
Endless Addons – WordPress Plugin For Elementor Website Builder
(0 total ratings)The Endless plugin you install after Elementor! Packed with 30+ stunning free elements including banner, card, flipbox, infobox, pricing, timeline, te …
Testimonial or Reviews
(1 total ratings)Testimonial or Reviews to Display your testimonial or reviews into Your Site. Display you Testimonial with clean, responsive and professional way.
(14 total ratings)xili-language provides for a bilingual (or multilingual) website an automatic selection of language (.mo) in theme according to the language of curren …