Издөө натыйжалары: “credit-cards”
ThirstyAffiliates – Affiliate Links, Link Branding, Link Tracking & Marketing Plugin
(239 total ratings)🔗 Affiliate link management & cloaker tool. Easily manage, shrink and track your affiliate links in WordPress. 🔥
Payments Plugin and Checkout Plugin for WooCommerce: Stripe, PayPal, Square, Authorize.net
(31 total ratings)Connect and manage all your payment methods, offer shoppers a beautiful Express Checkout, and reduce cart abandonment.
WordPress Classifieds Plugin – Ad Directory & Listings by AWP Classifieds
(298 total ratings)Create a classified listings directory, from auto listings to yard sales with AWP Classifieds plugin.
YITH Pre-Order for WooCommerce
(13 total ratings)Let your customers buy products before they are released and generate cash flow in advance to cover costs.
Smart Coupons For WooCommerce – Create WooCommerce Coupons, BOGO Coupons, Discount Rules, URL Coupons
(116 total ratings)Create advanced WooCommerce coupons and smart discounts with auto-apply coupons, BOGO discounts, giveaway products, discount rules, free shipping, bul …
China Payments Plugin | Accept WeChat Pay and Alipay
(17 total ratings)Accept WeChat Pay and Alipay via Stripe with WooCommerce, MemberPress, LifterLMS, or Simple Membership.
SmartCrawl WordPress SEO checker, SEO analyzer, SEO optimizer
(170 total ratings)SEO checker, content analysis & SEO optimizer. Rank higher on search engines with 301 redirects, XML sitemaps & one-click setup.
Points and Rewards for WooCommerce – Create Loyalty Programs, Reward Customer Purchases, Point Rewards, Referral Points, Reward for Points, User Badges, and Gamification
(150 total ratings)Points and Rewards for WooCommerce offer a reward for points to your customers for their activities & increase customer loyalty.
Business Directory Plugin – Easy Listing Directories for WordPress
(489 total ratings)The easy Business Directory Plugin for WordPress. Build an easy team directory, member directory, staff directory, church directory, and more.
Orderable – WordPress Restaurant Online Ordering System and Food Ordering Plugin
(36 total ratings)Take your restaurant/food business online with the online ordering system plugin for WordPress, Orderable.
Payment Methods by Product & Country for WooCommerce
(18 total ratings)Use products and countries conditional rules to show/hide gateways, increase profit margins & optimize operations for your products by restricting …
Contact Form, Survey, Quiz & Popup Form Builder – ARForms
(55 total ratings)Most Advanced Form Builder Plugin helps you create Contact Form, Multi-Step Form, Popup Form, Sticky Form, Survey Form, and more.
Feed KuantoKusta for WooCommerce – Free
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to generate a WooCommerce product feed to submit to Kuanto Kusta, a portuguese price comparison website and marketplace.
Payment Page | Best Payment Form Plugin for Stripe & PayPal
(23 total ratings)Payment Page is the easiest way to accept online payments. Connect your payment gateway, choose a template, and you're ready to go!
Easy Form by AYS – Form Builder Plugin for WordPress
(4 total ratings)The best WordPress form builder plugin. Create contact forms, subscription forms, payment forms, or any custom forms in minutes.
Jetpack – WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth
(2,271 total ratings)Improve your WP security with powerful one-click tools like backup, WAF, and malware scan. Includes free tools like stats, CDN and social sharing.
(0 total ratings)wpOpus – Dynamic Gutenberg Blocks, Templates & Demos for FSE. Build stunning websites easily. Ideal for all skill levels. Start now!
SSL Certificate – Free SSL, HTTPS by SSL Zen
(652 total ratings)Helps install a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate, redirects HTTP to HTTPS and forces SSL on all pages.
Sunshine Photo Cart: Free Client Photo Galleries for Photographers
(134 total ratings)Free client photo gallery for professional photographers. Sell photos to your clients from your own WordPress website.