Издөө натыйжалары: “delete”
WP Bulk Delete
(103 total ratings)Delete posts, pages, comments, users, taxonomy terms and meta fields in bulk with different powerful filters and conditions.
Delete All Comments of wordpress
(42 total ratings)Delete all comments from your wordpress database easily.
Schedule Post Changes With PublishPress Future: Unpublish, Delete, Change Status, Trash, Change Categories
(163 total ratings)PublishPress Future can make scheduled changes to your content. You can unpublish posts, move posts to a new status, update the categories, and more.
Delete Duplicate Posts
(131 total ratings)Get rid of duplicate posts and pages (any post type) on your blog with manual or automatic modes.
Bulk Delete Comments
(11 total ratings)Effortlessly bulk delete comments or delete all comments from your WordPress site. Manage comments by type, post, or category with one-click cleanup o …
Disable Comments – Remove Comments & Stop Spam [Multi-Site Support]
(271 total ratings)Allows administrators to globally disable comments on their site. Comments can be disabled according to post type. Multisite friendly.
Delete Posts automatically
(2 total ratings)The Delete Posts Automatically plugin keeps your website clean by programmatically deleting posts using a wide range of powerful filters.
Delete All Products for WooCommerce
(5 total ratings)Easily delete all WooCommerce products permanently or move them to the trash in just a few clicks.
Delete Me
(23 total ratings)Allow users with specific WordPress roles to delete themselves from the Your Profile page or anywhere Shortcodes can be used.
Delete product images for WooCommerce
(6 total ratings)Removes product assigned images (featured and gallery only) on product delete.
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
(181 total ratings)One-click database optimization with precise revision cleanup and flexible scheduling. Speeding up sites since 2011!
Media Hygiene: Remove or Delete Unused Images and More!
(26 total ratings)The Media Hygiene plugin removes unused media from the WordPress library to free up space, reduce clutter, and improve server performance.
Bulk Delete
(130 total ratings)Bulk delete posts, pages, users, attachments and meta fields based on different conditions and filters.
Slugs Manager: Delete Old Permalinks from WordPress Database
(12 total ratings)Scan & remove old or outdated slugs (permalinks) in Wordpress, keep your database optimized & your URLs SEO-friendly.
Delete Expired Transients
(13 total ratings)delete old, expired transients from WordPress wp_options table
Force Delete Posts
(7 total ratings)Deleting Posts has never been so fast! This lightweight plugin adds the ability for administrators to instantly delete posts by adding a Force Delete …
Delete Pending Comments
(94 total ratings)A quick way to delete all pending and spam comments. Useful for victims of spammer attacks.
Simple Revisions Delete
(47 total ratings)Let you delete your posts revisions individually or all at once (purge or bulk action). Compatible with Gutenberg (experimental) and classic editor.
Auto Delete Post – Ultimate plugin for deleting a post automatically
(5 total ratings)Delete your any blog post, page, or any other custom post type automatically after a certain time. This plugin will help you to delete a post after ex …