Издөө натыйжалары: “dropdown”
Navigation menu as Dropdown Widget
(9 total ratings)WordPress plugin which provides a widget with a clickable dropdown of a WordPress navigation menu. It supports one level of parent-child menu's.
Category Dropdown by GCS Design
(3 total ratings)Display a parent and child categories in a dropdown. Works with custom taxonomies and WooCommerce product categories.
Country State City Dropdown CF7
(29 total ratings)Add country state city dropdown CF7 in contact form 7 plugin. In PRO you can use these features on any type of form.
Country & Phone Field Contact Form 7
(37 total ratings)Add country drop down with flags and phone number with country phone extension fields in contact form 7.
Cities Shipping Zones for WooCommerce
(17 total ratings)WooCommerce plugin for turning the state field into a dropdown city field. To be used as Shipping Zones.
WC City Select
(14 total ratings)City Select for WooCommerce. Show a dropdown select as the cities input.
RY City Select for WooCommerce
(8 total ratings)Show a dropdown select as the cities input on WooCommerce. Auto set the postcode for selected city.
Min Max Step Quantity Limits Manager for WooCommerce
(45 total ratings)Define a min/max, step, decimal & default quantity for products, show a dropdown and much more on WooCommerce stores.
Display product variations dropdown on shop page
(3 total ratings)Display WooCommerce product variations dropdown on shop page and category page.
Product Dropdown Field For Contact Form 7
(1 total ratings)Contact Form 7 Woocommerce Product Dropdown Field modify your contact form 7 on product dropdown field.
Product Category Dropdowns
(11 total ratings)Displays product categories as dependent drop-down selects.
Dropdown multisite selector
(19 total ratings)Gives you the resources to make select field with redirecting options to a given URLs.
Shipping Method Display Style for WooCommerce
(21 total ratings)This plugin provides a configuration to display shipping methods as Radio button or select box on the checkout page.
Multilevel Navigation Menu
(3 total ratings)Multilevel Navigation Menu plugin ability to add a full-screen navigation menu to our website.
Country Dropdown For Contact Form 7
(0 total ratings)Country Dropdown For Contact Form 7 making Country field to you conact form. Via this plugin You can be make your contact form 7 to more professional.
Variation Dropdown to Radio For Woocommerce
(3 total ratings)Variations Radio Buttons for WooCommerce Convert single product Select Drop Down to radio button.
Order Dropdown WooCommerce For Contact Form 7
(2 total ratings)Order Dropdown WooCommerce For Contact Form 7 Making Order List Field to you conact form. This field creates a drop down of current user's orders …
Dropdown Search Option for Contact Form 7
(0 total ratings)Dropdown Search Option for Contact Form 7 is making your text select box field to automatically search option into section box.
Show Variations For WooCommerce
(10 total ratings)Display variations as single product or show variations dropdown on shop and category page.