Издөө натыйжалары: “eventbrite”
Nudgify Social Proof, Sales Popup & FOMO – Best WordPress Social Proof Plugin
(5 total ratings)Increase your sign-ups and sales by up to 15% with real-time Social Proof and FOMO messages. Show customer reviews and recent activity in real-time.
OAuth Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth Client)
(267 total ratings)WordPress SSO (Single Sign On) with Azure, Azure B2C, Cognito, Okta, Classlink, Discord, Clever, Keycloak, OAuth & OpenID Providers [24/7 SUPPORT].
(6 total ratings)An authentication framework that handles authorization/communication with most popular web services.
Event Tickets, RSVPs, Calendar
(2 total ratings)All-in-one for event management: sell tickets, collect registrations, connect calendar with 3rd party services, create automated e-mails and SMS.
WordPress Events Calendar Plugin – connectDaily
(16 total ratings)More than a calendar! Add time to your day! Planning, scheduling, managing and informing made easy. Full schedule & resource management. Learn more…
Jetpack – WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth
(2,289 total ratings)Improve your WP security with powerful one-click tools like backup, WAF, and malware scan. Includes free tools like stats, CDN and social sharing.
Sell Tickets – Event Ticketing and Event Registration – Ticket Tailor for WordPress
(46 total ratings)Sell event tickets online via your WordPress website. Ticket Tailor is an easy event ticketing & event registration system.
Simple Count Eventbrite Attendees
(0 total ratings)Simple configurable widgetized plugin to display the number of atteendes of an Eventbrite event.
Popular Brand Icons – Simple Icons
(10 total ratings)An easy to use lightweight SVG icons plugin with over 1500+ brand icons. Use these icons in your menus, widgets, posts, or pages.
Events Calendar by FooEvents
(2 total ratings)The simplest way to display any post, page or custom post type in a dynamic events calendar on your WordPress website.
Responsive Menu – Create Mobile-Friendly Menu
(541 total ratings)Highly customisable Responsive Menu plugin with 150+ options. No coding knowledge needed to design it exactly as you want.
MRW Simplified Editor
(4 total ratings)Focus editors on making great content and letting their themes make it beautiful by removing block editor features.
WCFM – Frontend Manager for WooCommerce along with Bookings Subscription Listings Compatible
(278 total ratings)Vendor frontend store/shop manager for WC Marketplace, WC Vendors, WC Product Vendors & Dokan with Bookings, Listings & Subscriptions compatib …
Restaurant Addon for Elementor
(0 total ratings)Adds easy to configure Elementor widgets specific for the restaurant industry.
Gleam: Run Competitions on Your WordPress Blog
(4 total ratings)An amazing solution to run competitions on your blog using combinations of social actions.
Event Calendar AutoPOP
(4 total ratings)A calendar that calls the EventUpon API to pull events from any of thousands of organizations and autoPOPulate your calendar!
Sell Event Tickets On WordPress – Plugin for Coconut Tickets
(4 total ratings)Sell tickets and vendor pitches you defined on Coconut Tickets platform from your own WordPress site using this plugin.
Simple AutoPOP
(0 total ratings)A simple calendar that calls the EventUpon API to pull the next three events from the organizations you’ve selected!