Издөө натыйжалары: “food”
Retina Stripper
(0 total ratings)For now only occurrences of the retina.js script are dequeue + deregister.
wMenu Digital Menu and Restaurant Ordering
(1 total ratings)wMenu is restaurant Menu and Ordering plugin. wMenu helps site builders to add restaurant Menu, Wine and Drink list into any WordPress theme.
WP Lorem (WL)
(2 total ratings)WP Lorem allows you to add New posts with lorem text and images – By one click Only ! Adding content Straight from Your Content Editor AND MORE !
Reach Analytics
(0 total ratings)Learn about your audience interests, location, gender, age with our cookie sync technology. Promote your content directly to relevant audience.
Quiz Commenters
(0 total ratings)Add a quiz about the post that a reader must complete before being able to post a comment.
Themepacific WordPress Review Lite
(0 total ratings)TP WordPress Review and User Rating Plugin (TP WP Reviews) will help sites to add reviews and Ratings.
(0 total ratings)Translates the WordPress user database to an LDAP store of the same; manage your LDAP DIT using your WordPress Dashboard.
Category Post URLs
(0 total ratings)Add Category and Subcategory in Wordpress Post URLs, Set a hierarchical URLs like nested sub category : category-name/sub-category-name/sub-category- …
GalleriomJS WP Gallery
(0 total ratings)GalleriomJS lets you create a beautiful gallery slideshow. It's goal is to be used similar to default WP gallery – via WYSIWYG editor.
Qreatmenu – Restaurant QR Menu for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)This plugins helps you to create a Restaurant Menu from WooCommerce products. And generate a QR code for your menu.
Wrapping ShortCode
(0 total ratings)This plugin provides a shortcode block. It is not just a shortcode, it is a shortcode block that wraps other blocks.
AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter
(7 total ratings)Provides Visually Appealing Captchas to Enhance and Secure your WordPress pages. Fortified with ANTI-SPAM FILTER Protection and SPAM COUNTER.
Prepear Pro Sync
(0 total ratings)This plugin will help you connect your Prepear Pro https://www.prepear.com/ account to your wordpress site.