Издөө натыйжалары: “gutenberg-blocks”
Block Visibility — Conditional Visibility Control for the Block Editor
(88 total ratings)Easily show or hide any WordPress block. Schedule block visibility. Restrict blocks to specific screen sizes, user roles, post types, and more.
(3,814 total ratings)The Gutenberg plugin adds editing, customization, and site building to WordPress. Use it to test beta features before their official release.
Classic Widgets
(258 total ratings)Enables the previous "classic" widgets settings screens in Appearance – Widgets and the Customizer. Disables the block editor from managing widgets.
Классикалык редактор
(1,202 total ratings)Редактордун мурунку “классикалык” нускасын жана TinyMCE, метамаалымат талаалары жана башкалар менен эски стилдеги жазууларды түзөтүү экранын камтыйт. Бардык эски редактордун кеңейтүү плагиндерин колдойт.
Convert to Blocks
(8 total ratings)Convert to Blocks transforms classic editor content to blocks on-the-fly.
Embed Privacy
(24 total ratings)Embed Privacy prevents the loading of embedded external content and allows your site visitors to opt-in.
Osom Blocks – Custom Post Type listing block
(5 total ratings)A Block to display a list of custom post type entries.
Block Control
(2 total ratings)Block Control allows you to take control of all the blocks on your website. Tailor a unique experience for your visitors.
Block for Apple Maps
(2 total ratings)An Apple Maps block for the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg).
Insert Special Characters
(8 total ratings)A Special Character inserter for the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg).
Scientific and Interactive Blocks – inseri core
(0 total ratings)Scientific and Interactive Gutenberg Blocks to facilitate Open Science
ArchivesPress: Index Blocks for WordPress
(0 total ratings)Display indexes based on the dates (years, months, and days archives), authors, and taxonomy terms for quick navigation and filtering of posts.
Disable Comments – Remove Comments & Stop Spam [Multi-Site Support]
(271 total ratings)Allows administrators to globally disable comments on their site. Comments can be disabled according to post type. Multisite friendly.
(11 total ratings)Tainacan is an open-source, powerful and flexible digital repository platform for WordPress.
Autopost for X (formerly Autoshare for Twitter)
(5 total ratings)Automatically shares the post title or custom message and a link to the post to X/Twitter.