Издөө натыйжалары: “memory-limit”
Memory Usage, Memory Limit, PHP and Server Memory Health Check and Provide Suggestions
(28 total ratings)WPmemory Check High Memory Usage, Memory Limit, PHP Memory, hardware memory, errors & show result in Site Health Page & Provide Suggestions.
Server IP & Memory Usage Display
(40 total ratings)Show the memory limit, current memory usage and IP address in the admin footer.
(20 total ratings)Show up the PHP version, memory limit and current memory usage in the dashboard and admin footer
WP Tools Increase Maximum Limits, Repair, Server PHP Info, Javascript errors, File Permissions, Transients, Error Log
(18 total ratings)49 Tools, Increase Max upload file size limit, Maximum Execution Time, Folder Permissions, show PHP Version, Server Stats, Server Benchmark, PHP Info
Personal Dictionary – Vocabulary Games, Memory Games
(4 total ratings)Allow your students to create personal dictionary, study the words with the help of memory games. Make learning fun with vocabulary games.
Block Bad Bots and Stop Bad Bots Crawlers and Spiders and Anti Spam Protection
(110 total ratings)Stop Bad Bots Protection, Block SPAM bots, Crawlers and spiders and botnets. Save bandwidth, avoid server overload and content steal. Blocks by IP.
HTTP Requests Manager
(2 total ratings)Limit, Debug, Optimize WP_HTTP requests. Limit by request count, page load time, reduce timeout for each request. Speed up login and admin pages.
Limit Comments and Word Count
(9 total ratings)This plugin will limit the number of comments and word length each user can add to a Wordpress blog post, definable by user role and length of time.
WP Upload Size
(8 total ratings)By default, WordPress has a modest limit for uploading images, videos, and other files. It's a similar story for your PHP memory limit, which hel …
WP Security Safe
(14 total ratings)This WordPress security plugin helps you quickly audit, harden, and secure your website.
IGW Memory Usage Info
(1 total ratings)Displays memory limits, current memory usage, IP-Address, PHP-Version. Database Version and Size in the Tools and admin footer.
My Server Info
(0 total ratings)My Server Info displays key server information, including PHP Version, WP Memory Limit, PHP Execution Time, and Max Input Vars, in the WordPress panel
Increase Maximum Upload file Size Limit
(0 total ratings)Increase Maximum file size Upload Limit. Control Post Max Size, Max upload size, Increase Upload limit, execution time, big file upload from WordPress …
(1 total ratings)A WordPress plugin providing a modular assortment of simple and useful features.
Limit Login Attempts by Limit Attempts Booster
(7 total ratings)Limit Attempts Booster is a Wordpress plugin which provides high security and limits your Wordpress access. It also safes from Brute Force Attacks.
W3 Total Cache
(5,394 total ratings)Search Engine (SEO) & Performance Optimization (WPO) via caching. Integrated caching: CDN, Page, Minify, Object, Fragment, Database support.
Matomo Analytics – Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights.
(159 total ratings)Privacy friendly, GDPR compliant and self-hosted. Matomo is the #1 Google Analytics alternative that gives you control of your data. Free and secure.
AWEOS PHP Server Info
(1 total ratings)Brief dashboard overview. Use this plugin to get all important server and PHP information. Useful tool for developer that need information about their …