Издөө натыйжалары: “network”
(5 total ratings)Your own WordPress at the center of your online activity. Follow friends and other websites and establish friendship relationships between blogs.
Disable Comments – Remove Comments & Stop Spam [Multi-Site Support]
(271 total ratings)Allows administrators to globally disable comments on their site. Comments can be disabled according to post type. Multisite friendly.
APCu Manager
(15 total ratings)APCu statistics and management right in the WordPress admin dashboard.
Pro Mime Types – Manage file media types
(2 total ratings)Pro Mime Types adds a nifty admin interface for allowing or blocking many file extensions for uploading media, documents, and other attachments.
Restricted Site Access
(60 total ratings)Limit access to visitors who are logged in or allowed by IP addresses. Includes many options for handling blocked visitors.
Syndication Links
(5 total ratings)Link to copies of your cross-posted content in other social networks or websites.
OPcache Manager
(2 total ratings)OPcache statistics and management right in the WordPress admin dashboard.
(2 total ratings)Automatically archive all emails sent from your site. Store them in your WordPress database or send them to external services.
Debrandify · Remove or Replace WordPress Branding
(0 total ratings)Remove WordPress branding and replace it with your own thanks to Debrandify.
Scientific and Interactive Blocks – inseri core
(0 total ratings)Scientific and Interactive Gutenberg Blocks to facilitate Open Science
coreActivity: Activity Logging plugin for WordPress
(0 total ratings)Monitor and log all kinds of activity happening on the WordPress website, with fine control over events to log, detailed log and events panels…
Классикалык редактор
(1,202 total ratings)Редактордун мурунку “классикалык” нускасын жана TinyMCE, метамаалымат талаалары жана башкалар менен эски стилдеги жазууларды түзөтүү экранын камтыйт. Бардык эски редактордун кеңейтүү плагиндерин колдойт.
SQLite Object Cache
(35 total ratings)A fast persistent object cache backend for the rest of us, powered by SQLite.