Издөө натыйжалары: “photo”
(285 total ratings)Automatically resizes huge image uploads. Are contributors uploading huge photos? Tired of manually resizing your images? Imsanity to the rescue!
(11 total ratings)Media Metadata Workflow Wizard: Integrate your media metadata workflow with WordPress's Media Library
BP Attachments
(3 total ratings)BP Attachments is a BuddyPress Add-on to manage your community members media.
Connections Business Directory Certifications
(0 total ratings)An extension for the Connections Business Directory plugin which adds the ability to add and assign certifications to your business directory entries.
Simple Local Avatars
(88 total ratings)Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar!
Index WP Users For Speed
(4 total ratings)Do you have thousands of users on your WordPress site? Look them up fast. Find authors more easily. Speed up your laggy dashboard.
Post Kinds
(6 total ratings)Ever want to reply to someone else's post with a post on your own site? Or to "like" someone else's post, but with your own site?
Connections Business Directory Face Detect
(1 total ratings)Extension for the Connections Business Directory applies face detection when cropping an image.