Издөө натыйжалары: “plugins”
Plugins List
(12 total ratings)Allows you to insert a list of the Wordpress plugins you are using into any post/page.
FluentSMTP – WP SMTP Plugin with Amazon SES, SendGrid, MailGun, Postmark, Google and Any SMTP Provider
(278 total ratings)The Ultimate Forever Free Mail SMTP Plugin for WordPress. Connect with any SMTP, SendGrid, Mailgun, Amazon SES, Brevo, Postmark, Sparkpost, Google…
Ajaxify Comments – Ajax and Lazy Loading Comments
(90 total ratings)Ajaxify Comments hooks into native WordPress comments and allows comment posting without reloading the page.
Plugin Check (PCP)
(24 total ratings)Plugin Check is a WordPress.org tool which provides checks to help plugins meet the directory requirements and follow various best practices.
WP Plugin Info Card
(23 total ratings)WP Plugin Info Card displays plugins & themes data in beautiful cards using WP Plugin & Theme APIs. Dashboard widget included.
GD Forum Manager: plugin for WordPress and bbPress
(1 total ratings)Expand how the moderators can manage forum and topics content from the frontend, from any page showing the list of topics or forums.
Plugin Dependencies
(3 total ratings)Parses a 'Requires Plugins' header. If a requiring plugin does not have all its dependencies installed and active, it will not activate.
GD Members Directory: plugin for WordPress and bbPress
(0 total ratings)Add forum members directory page into bbPress powered forums including members filtering and additional widgets for listing members in the sidebar.
coreActivity: Activity Logging plugin for WordPress
(0 total ratings)Monitor and log all kinds of activity happening on the WordPress website, with fine control over events to log, detailed log and events panels…
Классикалык редактор
(1,201 total ratings)Редактордун мурунку “классикалык” нускасын жана TinyMCE, метамаалымат талаалары жана башкалар менен эски стилдеги жазууларды түзөтүү экранын камтыйт. Бардык эски редактордун кеңейтүү плагиндерин колдойт.
Performance Lab
(46 total ratings)Performance plugin from the WordPress Performance Team, which is a collection of standalone performance features.
(47 total ratings)WPGraphQL is a free, open-source WordPress plugin that provides an extendable GraphQL schema and API for any WordPress site.
Simple Social Icons
(89 total ratings)This plugin allows you to insert social icons in any widget area.
Health Check & Troubleshooting
(168 total ratings)Health Check identifies common problems, and helps you troubleshoot plugin and theme conflicts.
Classic Widgets
(256 total ratings)Enables the previous "classic" widgets settings screens in Appearance – Widgets and the Customizer. Disables the block editor from managing widgets.
Stock Manager for WooCommerce
(127 total ratings)Best WooCommerce stock management plugin to manage and edit product stock and their variables from a single dashboard. Stock log, import/export, filte …
(30 total ratings)Flexible WordPress plugin to create professional real estate websites and manage property listings with ease.
(3,814 total ratings)The Gutenberg plugin adds editing, customization, and site building to WordPress. Use it to test beta features before their official release.