Издөө натыйжалары: “post”
EPP – Edit Post with Passwords Basic
(0 total ratings)Short Description: A plugin to secure the editing of posts by requiring a password for access.
Like-Dislike and Ratings Posts/Products
(0 total ratings)Like Dislike Posts/Products plugin user can like dislike posts and products as well as ratings.
Category Posts Slider Pro
(3 total ratings)Category Posts Slider Pro is designed to display your selected posts according to the categories in a slider on your website.
Vertical marquee post title
(2 total ratings)If you want your post title to move vertically (scroll upward or downwards) in the screen use this plugin.
All Post Listing Block
(0 total ratings)Example block written with ESNext standard and JSX support – build step required.
Concise Counter of Post Views
(0 total ratings)Show post views at the bottom of the post and in the post list of the admin panel.
Polylang Dynamic Sitemap Generator
(2 total ratings)Polylang Dynamic Sitemap Generator is a powerful WordPress plugin that automatically generates SEO-friendly sitemaps for all active languages and post …
This Day In History Widget
(0 total ratings)This Widget lists and links to any posts posted in the same month, week, or day of the prior years. You can limit the maximum number of links to show.
Ele Slider and Post addon
(0 total ratings)Ele Slider and Post is an Elementor add-on with two widgets for adding sliders and displaying posts effortlessly.
Infinite Scroll Random Post
(4 total ratings)This plugin will implement AJAX loading (Infinite Scroll) for the article pages. The next article will be loaded when the user gets to the bottom of e …
ETH Redirect to Latest Post
(8 total ratings)Redirect a chosen slug, "latest" by default, to, well, the most-recently-published post.
Different Menu in Different Pages and Posts
(0 total ratings)Different Menu in Different Pages and Posts plugin allows user to display 'menu of choice' to display on the header of posts and pages
Post Replicator
(0 total ratings)Replicate posts to multiple websites, this are replicated on base of the allowed categories
Single User Content
(1 total ratings)A Simple WordPress Plugin, for create a post assigned to a specific user into your site.
FAQ Info Instigator
(2 total ratings)Easily create and manage FAQs on your WordPress site. Display FAQs with a shortcode or on dedicated pages.
Post from AWeber
(1 total ratings)Create a blog post based on the archive page for an AWeber email broadcast.
Full Background Manager
(22 total ratings)Full Background Image Manager WordPress Plugin allows you to set separate background image of each page.
Public Post Preview Configurator
(3 total ratings)Enables you to configure the 'public post preview' plugin with a user interface.