Издөө натыйжалары: “reader”
Yarns Microsub Server
(2 total ratings)Using your own WordPress site, aggregate a social timeline of your favourite sites from across the Web and then view and reply to your feeds using a M …
Aparat Videos RSS Reader | GRAD
(1 total ratings)دریافت آر.اس.اس کانال آپارات و نمایش (به ترتیب یا تصادفی) ویدئوهای کانال آپارات، در ویجتهای وردپرس. Widgets for listing videos uploaded to Aparat.
(0 total ratings)Sell DRM-protected media (ebooks, videos…) from your Woocommerce shop through our Reader app. It is simple, fast and cheap (no fixed costs).
GE RSS Reader Widgets
(1 total ratings)This plug-in was forked from Aakash Chakravarthy's Super-RSS-Reader after it had not been updated for more than two years.
RSS Feed Reader by Enebrus Kem Lem
(0 total ratings)Reads RSS Feeds automatically and publish their posts in your site linking the original site.
Aspose Cloud Email to Post
(4 total ratings)Aspose Cloud Email to Post extracts contents from the Email Body and insert it into the editor.
Print Basic Facts
(1 total ratings)Print Basic Facts will display valuable, time saving, information for a WordPress site. Optimize your troubleshooting efforts with this lightweight ap …
Fancy News
(0 total ratings)With this wordpresss plugin you can create a news slider easily and you can add any type of post to it (except pages). You can also select post by tax …
CC Manga Comic Reader
(1 total ratings)CC Manga Comic Reader help add manga with multi chapter link, can add custom field, custom taxonomy for manga.
Aspose Cloud Presentation Importer
(6 total ratings)Aspose Cloud Presentation Importer reads text from the Presentation file and insert it into the editor.
Json Reader
(0 total ratings)Fetches data from a Json file and displays it via shortcode, you can use the key parameter to filter the data
WP Excel 2 DB
(2 total ratings)Import excel sheet to wordpress database table form wordpress dashboard.
LMC XML Reader
(0 total ratings)LMC XML Reader plugin can load, parse and display an external XML file from given URL (LMC.cz, Jobs.cz, Prace.cz, Teamio.com).
HaTeMiLe for WP
(0 total ratings)HaTeMiLe for WP is a wordpress plugin that convert the HTML code of pages in a code more accessible.
Workbox Nasdaq XML News Reader Plugin
(0 total ratings)Allows to import NASDAQ news feed and show it on your Wordpress site.