Издөө натыйжалары: “recipes”
Nutritional Value Facts Table
(0 total ratings)With This Plugin We Can Add The Nutritional Information Of Foods. We Can Add Calories, Carbs, Fats, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals and Omega 3 Omega 6 Ratio. We can write about the benefits of that particular food. This is the most complete nutritional facts label on the plugin market for Wordpress.
Mailchimp Food-Cook Subscribe
(1 total ratings)This makes easy, the setup of a website's newsletter subscription widget and modal popup. Best used in food and cook recipe theme or woothemes.
Global Food Book's Author Biography Widget
(1 total ratings)This makes it easy to setup a brief synopsis of the author's biography on the sidebar. Best used in food & cook theme or woo-themes.
BuddyPress Update Email Reminder Lightbox
(0 total ratings)BuddyPress Update Email Reminder Lightbox asks users to confirm their email address if they haven’t logged in for a while.
Pre-Publish Post Checklist
(5 total ratings)With Pre-Publish Post Checklist, you’ll never have to worry about accidentally publishing a post.
Nutrition Facts Label
(2 total ratings)This plugin provides food bloggers with the ability to add nutrition facts label to their recipe post(s).
Food Business Gross Profit Calculator Plugin
(1 total ratings)First of all this plugin is requested by my beautiful girlfriend CJ Ancog.
JKL Unit Converter
(0 total ratings)A simple Unit Converter widget that allows you to between various units. (Inspired by Google's Unit Converter.)
Social Media by Lazy Cat Themes
(0 total ratings)This is a plugin that supports sharing of social media (with follower count) for the 10 most common social media providers.
Ai1ec Rich Snippets
(2 total ratings)Make your All-in-One Event Calendar events more discoverable in Google (and other) search results by adding rich snippets to them.
(1 total ratings)Replace the […] more link with custom text for each post, creating a specific call-to-action.
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to add nutrition label to a post. Just click on the pear, and copy/paste the unformatted nutritional information from Calorie C …
(0 total ratings)Inject custom jQuery/Javascript into the header and/or footer of a WordPress site.
WP Live Search
(3 total ratings)A super light-weight live search plugin that utilizes the WP REST API.
(1 total ratings)TiDeKey – Title + Description + Keywords are the first things you do for OnPage SEO, so why don't you customize your SEO meta template easy?
Tag Wiki for WordPress
(0 total ratings)Turbocharge your tags by adding a wiki to them. Keep yourself organized, your visitors informed, and search engines happy.
Kwit Buy Button
(0 total ratings)Kwit Buy Button enables users of a blog to quickly buy ingredients online that are mentioned in cooking recipes
(0 total ratings)Infoxicate helps you get return traffic to your website, by sending out surgically accurate updates to your readers.