Издөө натыйжалары: “select”
WC City Select
(14 total ratings)City Select for WooCommerce. Show a dropdown select as the cities input.
RY City Select for WooCommerce
(8 total ratings)Show a dropdown select as the cities input on WooCommerce. Auto set the postcode for selected city.
Lazy Blocks: Select Dynamic Control
(4 total ratings)lazy-blocks custom control to offer a dynamic select containing wordpress posts, pages or categories
Image Regenerate & Select Crop
(58 total ratings)Advanced management for images, register new sub-sizes, sub-sizes details, regenerate and cleanup files.
New Recent Posts Select Categories By Thao Marky
(3 total ratings)Display Recent Posts in your Website with images thumbnail of the Contents.
Navigation menu as Dropdown Widget
(9 total ratings)WordPress plugin which provides a widget with a clickable dropdown of a WordPress navigation menu. It supports one level of parent-child menu's.
Responsive Mobile Select Menu
(2 total ratings)The Responsive Mobile Select Menu plugin automatically turns any WordPress Menu into a select box / dropdown on mobile devices.
WPSSO User Locale Selector
(4 total ratings)Quick and easy locale / language / region selector for the WordPress admin toolbar.
ACF Nav Menu Field
(5 total ratings)ACF Nav Menu field plugin provides an option to show a menu in the front end similar to other ACF fields (Text, Textarea, Number, Range etc.)
Dropdown multisite selector
(19 total ratings)Gives you the resources to make select field with redirecting options to a given URLs.
Advanced Custom Fields: Image Size Select Field
(1 total ratings)Field to select registered image sizes within the WordPress dashboard.
Frontype | Select a custom post type as a front page
(3 total ratings)It lets you set a custom post type as a front page.
Select All Categories and Taxonomies, Change Checkbox to Radio Buttons
(12 total ratings)Use radio buttons or checkboxes for your categories and custom taxonomies with this incredibly powerful and easy-to-use plugin.
Admin Select Box To Select2
(6 total ratings)This plugin is used to convert all simple select boxes to select2. Checkout out demo here Select2 Example
Select Post Export
(5 total ratings)Plugin to let user select individual posts to export via the post listing
JSM User Locale Selector
(5 total ratings)Add a quick and easy user locale / language selector in the WordPress admin back-end and front-end toolbar menus.
Custom Post Type List Field For Contact Form 7
(2 total ratings)Custom Post Type List Field For Contact Form 7 Custom Post Type List Field For Contact Form 7 Custom Post Type List Field For Contact Form 7 using to …
GravityWP – CSS Selector
(9 total ratings)Easily select CSS Ready Classes for your fields within Gravity Forms
Export media with selected content
(91 total ratings)Include all relevant attachments in your export.
(1 total ratings)Transforms the output of the Multisite Language Switcher to an HTML select