Издөө натыйжалары: “settings”
Cool Responsive Megamenu
(2 total ratings)Cool Responsive Megamenu is a user-friendly, highly customizable Bootstrap 4 responsive Megamenu WordPress plugin. You can override css files, megamen …
Muslim Prayer Time BD – Prayer Reminder for Bangladesh
(7 total ratings)A WordPress plugin to display proper prayer times specifically for Bangladeshi Muslims, including prayer reminders, widgets and customizable settings.
Sort Settings Menu
(0 total ratings)Arrange the items in the "Settings" menu of the WordPress admin in alphabetical order.
Weaver Show Posts
(7 total ratings)This plugin provides a very flexible way to show posts anywhere on a site using a shortcode. It works with any theme. Weaver Show Posts is by far the …
Accept Authorize.NET Payments Using Contact Form 7
(8 total ratings)Contact Form 7 – Integrate Authorize.Net payment gateway for making your payments through Contact Form 7.
Quick Configuration Links
(3 total ratings)Automagically adds a "Settings" link to every active plugin on the "Plugins" page.
PTAPS – Post Type Archive Pages and Permalink Settings
(1 total ratings)Use archive pages for custom post types and improve WordPress SEO by managing permalinks for custom post types and taxonomies.
YM Fast Options
(1 total ratings)Create custom options, settings, global data fields, and more for your WordPress site with just a few lines of code.
Esselink.nu Settings
(0 total ratings)Settings plugin for custom WP configuration for Esselink.nu WP websites.
Custom Posts Per Page Reloaded
(0 total ratings)Custom Posts Per Page Reloaded provides a settings page in your WordPress admin that allows you to specify how many posts are displayed for different …
Product Quantity Settings
(1 total ratings)Define a minimum / maximum / range quantity for products on product pages & cart.
DB Edit All Contacts on 1 Settings Page
(1 total ratings)All phone numbers, e-mails, whatsapp and telegram chats are set on 1 page. You just use shortcodes instead of writing and rewriting the contacts.
Snillrik Settings
(0 total ratings)To easily turn on and off some settings that often is done with hooks, hacks or filters in WordPress.
WP Settings:WordPress Settings and Database Backup
(0 total ratings)Display useful information about WordPress,plugins,database and generate database backup script.Configure WordPress by analyzing common settings…
SacksonWeb Data
(0 total ratings)A tool to monitor security issues, performance issues, and Wordpress settings that should be reviewed for potential changes.
Accept Elavon Payments using Contact Form 7
(3 total ratings)Integrate elavon payment gateway for making your payments through Contact Form 7.
Custom Global Variables
(10 total ratings)Easily create custom variables that can be accessed globally in Wordpress and PHP. Retrieval of information is extremely fast, with no database calls.