Издөө натыйжалары: “sidebar”
Lightweight Sidebar Manager
(20 total ratings)Create new sidebar areas and display them conditionally on certain pages. Works with all themes.
WP Sticky Sidebar – Floating Sidebar On Scroll for Any Theme
(148 total ratings)📌 WP Sticky Sidebar plugin will make your menu or header stick to the side of page, after desired number of pixels when scrolled🔥
Content Aware Sidebars – Fastest Widget Area Plugin
(721 total ratings)Display new sidebars on any post, page, category etc. Works with Classic Widgets, Block Widgets, and all themes!
Ultimate Floating Widgets – Make popup sidebars
(13 total ratings)Create sticky / fixed / popup bubble and flyout sidebars and add your widgets to it.
Ocean Custom Sidebar
(8 total ratings)Generates an unlimited number of sidebars and place them on any page you wish. Go to Theme Panel > Sidebars to create your custom sidebars.
Fuse Social Floating Sidebar
(58 total ratings)This plugin allows you to add social media floating sidebar icons connected with your social media profiles.
Page Sidebar for Twenty Seventeen
(12 total ratings)Add a page sidebar when using the Twenty Seventeen theme
WPB Accordion Menu – Responsive Collapse Vertical Sidebar Menu – WooCommerce Category Accordion
(41 total ratings)WPB Accordion Menu is a responsive collapse vertical sidebar menu for WordPress. WooCommerce category menu, collapsible categories, collapsible menu.
Image Widget
(288 total ratings)A simple image widget that uses the native WordPress media manager to add image widgets to your site.
Widget Logic
(185 total ratings)Widget Logic lets you control on which pages widgets appear using WP's conditional tags.
SMK Sidebar Generator
(5 total ratings)This plugin generates as many sidebars as you need. Then allows you to place them on any page you wish.
Easy Social Like Box – Popup – Sidebar Widget
(19 total ratings)WP Facebook Like Box Plugin enables you to display the facebook page likes in sidebar widget or popup. Display like button for the posts.
Custom Sidebars – Dynamic Sidebar Widget Area Manager
(1,028 total ratings)Flexible sidebars for custom widget configurations on any page or post. Create custom sidebars with ease!
My WP Customize Admin/Frontend
(16 total ratings)Simply and easy-to-use the customize for Admin and Frontend. A lot of custom filters and actions, and included the developer tools.
Resizable Editor Sidebar
(8 total ratings)An intuitive solution to make the default WordPress Gutenberg sidebar resizable.
Responsive Vertical Icon Menu
(7 total ratings)WordPress Responsive Vertical menu plugin is an nice and handy plugin for showing your menu in widget. It's very simple to use.
Meks Simple Flickr Widget
(3 total ratings)Quickly display your Flickr photos inside WordPress widget.
Widget Disable
(22 total ratings)Disable sidebar and dashboard widgets with an easy to use interface.
Off-Canvas Sidebars & Menus (Slidebars)
(37 total ratings)Add off-canvas sidebars (Slidebars) containing widgets, menus or other content using the Slidebars jQuery plugin.