Издөө натыйжалары: “sort”
Filter & Grids
(20 total ratings)Filter posts by categories / taxonomies without reloading the page. Create posts grids.
Post Types Order
(287 total ratings)Sort posts and custom post type objects using a drag-and-drop, sortable JavaScript AJAX interface, or through the default WordPress dashboard
WP Sort Order
(15 total ratings)Order terms (Users, Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies) using a Drag and Drop with jQuery ui Sortable.
More Sorting Options for WooCommerce
(11 total ratings)Add new custom, rearrange, remove or rename WooCommerce sorting options.
Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order
(159 total ratings)Order Categories and all custom taxonomies terms (hierarchically) using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript capability.
bbPress – Sort topic replies
(6 total ratings)Sort topic replies in ascending or descending order for each bbPress Topic.
Rearrange Woocommerce Products
(54 total ratings)Boost WooCommerce Sales with Rearrange WooCommerce Products by reordering products on shop page with a simple drag-and-drop interface.
Product Sort and Display for WooCommerce
(45 total ratings)Create a true Supermarket shopping experience. Sort and show products on Shop page by category – auto show On Sale or Featured first, Endless Scroll.
Posts Table with Search & Sort
(20 total ratings)Automatically create searchable and sortable tables of your posts.
Themify – WooCommerce Product Filter
(71 total ratings)This plugin helps shoppers quickly find products in your WooCommerce shop by filtering through price, categories, attributes, tags, and more.
WP Last Modified Info
(788 total ratings)Ultimate Last Modified Plugin for WordPress with Gutenberg Block Integration. It is possible to use shortcodes to display last modified info anywhere …
Sort SearchResult By Title
(2 total ratings)Wordpress sort search results by title offers powerful option for developers to sort search results alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
Sort Export for Gravity Forms
(3 total ratings)Control (and persist) the order of the fields during the export of entries.
Product Rearrange for WooCommerce
(6 total ratings)Product Rearrange for WooCommerce allows to rearrange or reorder Woocommerce products using the drag & drop & its order will be saved in few seconds.
Show Post ID with Sorting
(1 total ratings)Enhance your WordPress Dashboard with Show Post ID with Sorting, a plugin to display, sort, and bulk copy Post IDs for Posts, Pages, and Custom Post T …
Advanced H2H for SportsPress
(3 total ratings)Give your league managers the option to use more advanced Sorting Criteria for your League Tables.
Extra Product Sorting Options for WooCommerce
(30 total ratings)Rename the default product sorting option, add up to 5 new sorting options including alphabetical and on-sale sorting, or remove core sorting options.
Sort Products in Cart & Order Lite for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)This plugin will allow sorting the WooCommerce products in Cart and Order.
WHWS Display In Stock Products First For WooCommerce
(7 total ratings)Display in-stock products first in WooCommerce.