Издөө натыйжалары: “syntax-highlighter”
HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter
(111 total ratings)Add syntax highlighting to WordPress code editors using CodeMirror.js
Urvanov Syntax Highlighter
(19 total ratings)Reincarnation of Crayon Syntax Highlighter. Syntax Highlighter supporting multiple languages, themes, fonts, highlighting from a URL, or post text.
Code Block Pro – Beautiful Syntax Highlighting
(40 total ratings)Code highlighting powered by the VS Code engine. Performance focused. No bloat.
CodeMirror Blocks
(40 total ratings)CodeMirror Blocks is useful for tutorial site where display formatted (highlighted) code block. With support of 100+ Language/Mode and 56 Themes.
Code Syntax Block
(47 total ratings)Code Syntax Block plugin extends the block editor by adding syntax highlighting to the core code block.
Enlighter – Customizable Syntax Highlighter
(66 total ratings)All-in-one Syntax Highlighting solution. Full Gutenberg and Classic Editor integration. Graphical theme customizer. Based on EnlighterJS.
Code Block Syntax Highlighter for Elementor
(7 total ratings)This is an drag & drop widget for syntax highlighting of code blocks.
APH Prism Syntax Highlighter
(7 total ratings)Bringing Prism into WordPress easily. User-friendly GUI, support both classic editor and block editor. Support tab & back-tab in the code editor.
Vaaky Highlighter
(2 total ratings)Simple yet elegant syntax or code highlighter based on highlight.js. It allows you to add engaging snippet code blocks.
(43 total ratings)Display beautiful syntax-highlighted code snippets with Prism.js or Highlight.js
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
(87 total ratings)Easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without having to modify the code at all. As seen on WordPress.com.
Code Prettify
(18 total ratings)100% automatic code highlighting using the Prettify library. No shortcodes, no classnames, fully automatic and pure awesome.
iG:Syntax Hiliter
(1 total ratings)A plugin to easily present source code on your site with syntax highlighting and formatting (as seen in code editors, IDEs).
Elementor Syntax Highlighter
(3 total ratings)An Elementor widget to add syntax highlighting to your sight with PrismJS.
Navarak Code Highlighter
(0 total ratings)A Syntax Highlighter built in PHP and highlightJS that supports customizable languages and themes.