Издөө натыйжалары: “theme”
Redux Framework
(272 total ratings)Redux is a simple, truly extensible and fully responsive options framework for WordPress themes and plugins. It ships with an integrated demo.
Master Addons – Elementor Addons with White Label, Free Widgets, Hover Effects, Conditions, & Animations
(201 total ratings)Get Image Hover Effects, Hotspots, Animated Headlines, Image Comparison, Gradient Headlines, Dual Heading, Tooltips, and more 50+ Elements & 20+ E …
One Click Demo Import
(76 total ratings)Import your demo content, widgets and theme settings with one click. Theme authors! Enable simple theme demo import for your users.
WP Adminify – Custom WordPress Dashboard, Login and Admin Customizer
(84 total ratings)Customize your WordPress dashboard with White label, Media Folders, Admin Menu Editor, Admin Columns, Login Customizer, and much much more!
Theme My Login
(459 total ratings)The ultimate login branding solution! Theme My Login offers matchless customization of your WordPress user experience!
Theme Editor
(123 total ratings)Theme Editor allows you to edit theme files, create folder, upload files and remove any file and folder in themes and plugins.
Download Plugins and Themes in ZIP from Dashboard
(27 total ratings)Download installed plugins and themes in ZIP files directly from your WordPress admin dashboard, download any or all plugins & themes without FTP …
WP Dark Mode – WordPress Dark Mode Plugin for Improved Accessibility, Dark Theme, Night Mode, and Social Sharing
(373 total ratings)The best dark mode plugin for WordPress with the best features – dark mode toggle, dashboard dark mode, accessibility, with zero coding required!
Child Theme Configurator
(277 total ratings)When using the Customizer is not enough – Create a child theme from your installed themes and customize styles, templates, functions and more.
Cryout Serious Theme Settings
(15 total ratings)This plugin is designed to inter-operate with our Mantra, Parabola, Tempera, Nirvana themes to enable their settings pages.
WP Child Theme Generator
(16 total ratings)WP Child Theme Generator is an easy solution to all your child theme creating problems!
Supreme Modules Lite – Divi Theme, Extra Theme and Divi Builder
(102 total ratings)Divi Supreme lite plugin enhances the experience and features found on Divi and extend with custom creative modules to help you build amazing websites …
Multiple Themes
(50 total ratings)Select different Themes for one or more WordPress Pages, Posts or other non-Admin pages. Or Site Home.
Photo Gallery, Sliders, Proofing and Themes – NextGEN Gallery
(4,286 total ratings)The most popular gallery plugin that lets you create galleries and albums in seconds.
Child Theme Creator by Orbisius
(45 total ratings)Create Child Themes quickly and easily from any theme that you have currently installed on your site/blog.
WP Rollback – Rollback Plugins and Themes
(204 total ratings)Rollback (or forward) any WordPress.org plugin, theme, or block like a boss.
Any Mobile Theme Switcher
(244 total ratings)This Plugin detects mobile browser and display the theme as the setting done from admin. Usefull for switch to Mobile Theme.
Theme Switcha – Easily Switch Themes for Development and Testing
(60 total ratings)Easily switch between themes for development and testing.
Download Theme
(7 total ratings)Download any theme from your WordPress admin panel's Appearance page by just one click!