Издөө натыйжалары: “thumbnail”
Perfect Images (Manage Image Sizes, Thumbnails, Replace, Retina)
(268 total ratings)Optimize your images effortlessly. Replace, regenerate, resize, improve, transform, and achieve perfect images for your site.
(66 total ratings)"Crop Thumbnails" made it easy to get exacly that specific image-detail you want to show in your featured image or gallery image.
Generate Images (AI) – Magic Post Thumbnail
(25 total ratings)Get images for your posts with automatic generation & multiple banks. Generate as featured images or in your content with Gutenberg Block and in bulk
Regenerate Thumbnails
(390 total ratings)Regenerate the thumbnails for one or more of your image uploads. Useful when changing their sizes or your theme.
Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails
(207 total ratings)List the most recent posts with post titles, thumbnails, excerpts, authors, categories, dates and more!
Feed Post Thumbnail
(1 total ratings)Adds MRSS namespace to the feed and uses post-thumbnail as media element in the feed. Settings available under Settings -> Reading.
FPW Category Thumbnails
(6 total ratings)Assigns a thumbnail based on categoryid/thumbnail mapping to a post / page when the post is created or updated. Built-in FPW Post Thumbnails.
reGenerate Thumbnails Advanced
(55 total ratings)Regenerate thumbnails quickly and easily, including forced regeneration; very useful when changing a theme or adding new thumbnail sizes.
Post Words Counter and Thumbnail Checker
(6 total ratings)Post Words Count is a simple plugin which shows the total words of a post and thumbnail of the post at All Post section in dashboard.
Featured Image Thumbnail Grid
(10 total ratings)Display a post Thumbnail Grid using Featured Images
Add post thumbnail to wp-admin list view
(4 total ratings)Adds a new column to the WordPress admin post list view, containing a preview of the post's featured image (where available).
Gallery with thumbnail slider
(9 total ratings)Highly customizable gallery plugin with sliders, lightbox, vertical gallery, and batch image upload for WordPress.
Featured Image Admin Thumb
(39 total ratings)Adds inline thumbnail image to admin columns on Post/post types view (where supported). Click to easily set/change the featured image.
Real Thumbnail Generator: Efficient regeneration of thumbnails in all sizes
(14 total ratings)Real Thumbnail Generator is a WordPress plugin for regenerating thumbnails. It is beginner-friendly, SEO-optimised and GDPR-compliant.
Related Posts Thumbnails Plugin for WordPress
(220 total ratings)Related Posts by WPBrigade is The Best Customizable plugin, that nicely displays related posts thumbnails under the post.
Thumbnail carousel slider
(23 total ratings)This is a beautiful responsive thumbnail slider for WordPress sites. Admin can manage any number of images into the responsive thumbnail slider.
Conditionally display featured image on singular posts and pages
(38 total ratings)Choose if the featured image should be displayed in the single post/page view or not. This plugin doesn't affect the archives view.