Издөө натыйжалары: “tweet”
Custom Twitter Feeds – A Tweets Widget or X Feed Widget
(388 total ratings)Display X posts (Twitter tweets) from any public user account in a clean, attractive looking feed that updates weekly.
Better Click To Tweet
(46 total ratings)Insert styled call-out boxes into your posts, simply and securely. Encourage readers to share your content on X in one simple action.
Social Share Buttons, Social Sharing Icons, Click to Tweet — Social Media Plugin by Social Snap
(56 total ratings)The best social sharing plugin. Share buttons for Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn and more. Click to Tweet and more.
XPoster – Share to X and Mastodon
(68 total ratings)Posts to X when you update your WordPress blog or add a link, with your chosen URL shortening service.
Autopost for X (formerly Autoshare for Twitter)
(4 total ratings)Automatically shares the post title or custom message and a link to the post to X/Twitter.
Inline Tweet Sharer – Twitter Sharing Plugin
(11 total ratings)Inline Tweet Sharer is a plugin that allows you to easily and simply create links to share your content on twitter. These links share whatever the anc …
Static Posts for Twitter – Embed x.com Tweets without an iframe
(0 total ratings)Embed x.com Tweets without an iframe. No more cookies and save 500kb from your page load!
Quick and Easy Tweets
(0 total ratings)A quick and easy way to display tweets on your website using widget.
Social Feeds
(6 total ratings)A powerful Facebook and Twitter integration that allows you to display Facebook, Twitter follow button and timeline for your wordpress website.
WordPress Dashboard Tweeter
(2 total ratings)WordPress Dashboard Tweeter represents a Dashboard Widget for WordPress, that turns your Dashboard into a Twitter Client.
Brief Message
(0 total ratings)Add a widget to display a short sentence.It will be displayed in the form of Twitter.Like the theme "P2", logged-in users can post from the front end.
Random Tweet Widget
(1 total ratings)Shows a random tweet from a Twitter account in a sidebar widget.
Vintillect Importer
(0 total ratings)Creates blog posts from Facebook and Twitter (X) posts. Fast import of text, images, and videos. Includes filtering, sorting, and grouping.
Multi Account Tweet Feeds by Webline
(3 total ratings)A Simple plugin to show latest Tweets from a multiple Twitter accounts in the same sidebar widget,post,page or text widget content.
Click 2 Share
(0 total ratings)Gutenberg Block Plugin to display a shareable post on Meta Threads, X (formely Twitter) or Reddit.
Recent Tweet Widget AFO
(1 total ratings)This is a recent twitter feed widget. It's compatible with twitter api v1.1. so no warries. 🙂
Fetch Some Tweets
(0 total ratings)A PHP & JSON driven Twitter Feed Fetcher generated via a Shortcode, this plugin is aimed at Developers.
WordPress Buffer – HYPESocial. Social Media Auto Post, Social Media Auto Publish and Schedule
(18 total ratings)WordPress Buffer HYPESocial connects your WordPress site to Buffer app (buffer.com) (your account) and allows you to automatically share/re-share you …
Share on Twitter Block
(0 total ratings)A Gutenberg block that lets you easily create tweetable "click to tweet" content for your readers.