Издөө натыйжалары: “url”
Featured Image from URL (FIFU)
(236 total ratings)Use an external image/video/audio as featured image of a post or WooCommerce product.
URL Params
(37 total ratings)Short Code to grab any URL parameter from the Query String and display it or display conditional content.
Featured Image with URL
(3 total ratings)Featured Image with URL allows to use an external URL Images as Featured Image for your post types. Includes support for Product Gallery (WooCommerce) …
WP Custom Author URL
(8 total ratings)Set a custom URL for your author name link, on a global or author-specific basis. Also redirects all author pages.
PrettyLinks – Affiliate Links, Link Branding, Link Tracking & Marketing Plugin
(1,252 total ratings)🌠 The best WordPress link management, branding, tracking & sharing plugin. Easily make pretty & trackable shortlinks. 🔗
Permalink Manager Lite
(172 total ratings)Permalink Manager improves the built-in permalink settings and allows you to change the URLs of native and custom post types and taxonomies as needed.
Smart Coupons For WooCommerce – Create WooCommerce Coupons, BOGO Coupons, Discount Rules, URL Coupons
(117 total ratings)Create advanced WooCommerce coupons and smart discounts with auto-apply coupons, BOGO discounts, giveaway products, discount rules, free shipping, bul …
Export All URLs
(82 total ratings)This plugin enables you to extract information such as Title, URL, Categories, Tags, Author, as well as Published and Modified dates for built-in post …
Redirection for Contact Form 7
(245 total ratings)Redirect to any page or URL, execute scripts after submission, save data to the database, and unlock additional submission actions for Contact Form 7.
URL Shortify – Simple, Powerful and Easy URL Shortener Plugin For WordPress
(142 total ratings)URL Shortify helps you beautify, manage, share & cloak any links on or off your WordPress website. Create links using your domain name!
Advanced Coupons – WooCommerce Coupons, Store Credit, Gift Cards, Loyalty Program, BOGO Coupons, Discount Rules
(154 total ratings)Enhance WooCommerce coupons with new coupon types, BOGO coupons, store credit, discount rules, url coupons, gift cards, loyalty program + more!
Basic URL ShortCodes
(2 total ratings)BASIC URL ShortCodes plugin support for a basic short codes to use in your post/page editor that produce correct absolute URLs.
Bitly URL Shortener
(5 total ratings)Bitly URL Shortener uses the functionality of Bitly API to generate Bitly short link without leaving your WordPress site.
Simple 301 Redirects By BetterLinks – Easy Redirect Manager for WP, 404 Error Log & More
(162 total ratings)Simple 301 Redirects provides an easy method of redirecting requests to another page on your site or elsewhere on the web.
Coupons & Add to Cart by URL Links for WooCommerce
(10 total ratings)Apply discounts & coupons via URL (link) to enhance user experience and increase conversion rates on your store
Advance Canonical URL
(3 total ratings)Advanced Canonical URL is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to enhance your website’s SEO by preventing duplicate content issues.
URL Shortener Plugin For WordPress
(15 total ratings)Exact Links allows custom slug based short link with tracking.