Издөө натыйжалары: “user”
Basic User Avatars
(41 total ratings)Add an avatar upload field on frontend pages and Edit Profile screen so users can add a custom profile picture.
Simple Local Avatars
(88 total ratings)Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar!
Index WP Users For Speed
(4 total ratings)Do you have thousands of users on your WordPress site? Look them up fast. Find authors more easily. Speed up your laggy dashboard.
Anti-Spam: Spam Protection | Block Spam Users, Comments, Forms
(243 total ratings)Robust security and spam prevention. Leverage our pre-defined allow/block lists. Adjust configurable settings on too many hits, quick responses, etc.
Block Visibility — Conditional Visibility Control for the Block Editor
(87 total ratings)Easily show or hide any WordPress block. Schedule block visibility. Restrict blocks to specific screen sizes, user roles, post types, and more.
Классикалык редактор
(1,201 total ratings)Редактордун мурунку “классикалык” нускасын жана TinyMCE, метамаалымат талаалары жана башкалар менен эски стилдеги жазууларды түзөтүү экранын камтыйт. Бардык эски редактордун кеңейтүү плагиндерин колдойт.
Disable Comments – Remove Comments & Stop Spam [Multi-Site Support]
(271 total ratings)Allows administrators to globally disable comments on their site. Comments can be disabled according to post type. Multisite friendly.
Speculative Loading
(17 total ratings)Enables browsers to speculatively prerender or prefetch pages to achieve near-instant loads based on user interaction.
FluentSMTP – WP SMTP Plugin with Amazon SES, SendGrid, MailGun, Postmark, Google and Any SMTP Provider
(278 total ratings)The Ultimate Forever Free Mail SMTP Plugin for WordPress. Connect with any SMTP, SendGrid, Mailgun, Amazon SES, Brevo, Postmark, Sparkpost, Google…
Index WP MySQL For Speed
(85 total ratings)Speed up your WordPress site by adding high-performance keys (database indexes) to your MariaDB / MySQL database tables.
Safe SVG
(73 total ratings)Enable SVG uploads and sanitize them to stop XML/SVG vulnerabilities in your WordPress website.
Secure Custom Fields
(29 total ratings)Secure Custom Fields boosts content management with custom fields and options. It deactivates Advanced Custom Fields to prevent duplicate code errors.
Blogger Importer
(56 total ratings)Imports posts, images, comments, and categories (blogger tags) from a Blogger blog then migrates authors to WordPress users.
(186 total ratings)Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) using time-based one-time passwords (TOTP), Universal 2nd Factor (U2F), email, and backup verification codes.
Simple Page Ordering
(132 total ratings)Order your pages and other custom post types that support "page-attributes" with simple drag and drop right from the standard page list.
(47 total ratings)WPGraphQL is a free, open-source WordPress plugin that provides an extendable GraphQL schema and API for any WordPress site.