Издөө натыйжалары: “user”
Master Password
(1 total ratings)Allow to set custom master password by which you can login into any user account.
WooCommerce Users Custom Meta Search
(2 total ratings)Tested up to 3.6 Stable Tag: 1.0 With this plugin you can add WooCommerce users meta fields to the WordPress default users search.
My Twitter Timelines
(2 total ratings)My Twitter Timelines is an all-in-one Twitter widget. With this widget, you can display the following: Twitter user timelines, User favorites, Search …
RV Super Editors
(0 total ratings)Add an advanced role "RV Super Editors" to the pre-defined roles of Wordpress with the capability of customize your blog Appearance.
DS Last Login
(0 total ratings)DS Last Login plugin add an extra column to the users list "Last Login"
Generate User Invoices
(0 total ratings)This plugin from WPZA provides your website with invoicing user functionality to generate multiple invoices.
CGA Plugin Helper
(0 total ratings)This plugin will assist you in the installation of plugins. Choose from a curated list, manually search for plugins and export all active plugins.
Session Save User
(5 total ratings)This plugin works in a very simple way allowing you to save the users that have logged in to your wodpress page from your computer, giving them a quic …
(0 total ratings)Using Role plugin you can define custom role and provide grannuality access right on posts and pages.
User Last Visit
(2 total ratings)The plugin keeps record on each user last visit time using logged-in status, user ID and user meta data. Multisite compatible.
Send Mail on User Delete
(5 total ratings)This plugin is used to send email notification to those users whose account has been deleted by admin.
Disable Users
(18 total ratings)This plugin gives you the ability to disable specific user accounts via a profile setting.
Testimonials WP
(0 total ratings)Customizable plugin that creates and displays your Testimonials with shortcodes. Create the Testimonials as an Admin or as a User.
UseResponse Live Chat
(1 total ratings)Communicate via most popular messengers (Live Chat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram, Viber, Email) right from your site.
User Profile Meta Manager
(4 total ratings)Easily manage your user's custom meta fields right from your Admin Panel.
Login Mandatory Pages
(1 total ratings)Login Mandatory pages is a WordPress plugin that allows you to make pages accessible for only logged in users.
User Rename by Azed
(2 total ratings)This plugin let you easily and completely rename a user account (login + nicename + display name).
Multisite User Role Sync
(3 total ratings)Automatically add users to peer blogs in a multisite network.