This plugin adds the checkout functionality to chose from offices of Speedy and Econt couriers in Bulgaria.
The functionality might get extended to other countries by simply adding parameters to respective API calls.
Functionality provided
- offload list of regions, cities and offices for Econt and Speedy in the Bulgaria
- update the offices’ data on daily basis
- generates select boxes for the region-city-office bundle for each courier
- provides option for delivery to home address
- hides all shipping methods available (since other way of chosing them is used)
- shows how much order value left till free delivery with selected delivery option
Plugin settings allow to set the following
- credentials to access Speedy and Econt APIs
- shipping labels
- shipping fees
- free shipping from
- currency to be used
- contact Speedy courier to provide you with API access
- store username (should be digits only) and password provided in the settings
Setup steps
- install and activate plugin
- create 1 fixed_fee shipping method
- open plugin’ settings and specify all the parameters requested
- click [Save] button
- wait till data is refreshed (for first set – wait for 1 minute, for subsequent change – at 3:05 AM daily)
- add few items to your cart and proceed to checkout
- verify checkout process is smooth and no errors are raised when placing the order
This plugin creates tables and populate data from respective APIs asynchronously.
So, please expect empty regions/cities/offices lists for first few minutes after plugin activation.
If you wish to donate to support this plugin please do this to one of the non-profits you adore. They need it more.
‘Left till free shipping’ shown in cart page, separate warning is shown next to the order price Same information is shown at the checkout page Delivery options are displayed once phone number is populated Region, city and office fields are shown for the corresponding shipping option Cities list is populated once region is selected Office field is automatically populated when only 1 office is available in the chosen city Original region, city and address fields are shown when ‘to address’ delivery option is chosen
Question: The region/city/office fields are empty for the selected delivery option.
Answer: Be sure that you have specified proper credentials to access APIs. Please wait for the few minutes if you have just done this.
Question: The region/city/office fields continue to be empty after waiting for more that 5 mins after plugin’s activation.
Answer: Please check whether the credentials you have provided are correct ones. If you continue having problems – contact developers at winter2007d (at) gmail.com
Question: There are errors while making the order after plugin activation.
- Answer: Be sure that you have created one shipping method for the region where you provide shipping options.
Contributors & Developers
“Speedy And Econt Shipping” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
0.1 – 2021-12-27
Created initial version of the plugin
0.2 – 2022-01-14
Bug fixes
Incorrect final order price calculation by JS script
Only Econt sites having offices are now inserted in the table
Prevent cleaning up of the courier tables when API request returns incomplete data
0.3 – 2022-01-14
Fixed wrong version in the main php file
0.4 – 2022-01-30
Compatible with WordPress 5.9
Not showing the ‘Left till free’ message on empty cart
0.5 – 2022-05-03
Force opening of the checkout page won’t show NaN warning
Offices update logic was not working
Econt office number is now skipped from the order details
Delivery method is now bold in the top bar notification
0.6 – 2022-05-03
Fixed the readme file format
0.7 – 2022-05-03
Changed stable version link and tested up to
0.8 – 2022-05-03
Aligned the versions along different files to fix plugin update issues
0.9 – 2022-05-03
Aligned readme files to have same content
Fixed necessity to re-enable plugin once its data was initially set or changed
1.0 – 2022-05-03
Made new tag since previous was submitted with incorrect files
1.1 – 2022-05-25
Made new way to showing the ‘shipping left till free’ message
Loading css styles on checkout page only
Compatible with WP 6.0
1.2 – 2022-05-25
Made new tag since previous was submitted with incorrect files
1.3 – 2022-06-28
Fixed incorrect MySQL syntax while deleting entries from the DB (actual for some versions of MySQL)
1.4 – 2022-06-29
Fixed incorrect MySQL syntax while deleting entries from the DB. Part 2 (actual for some versions of MySQL)
1.5 – 2022-06-30
Do not use the auth for the econt data retrieval
1.5.1 – 2022-07-09
Added debugging logic
1.5.2 – 2022-07-09
Fixed small typos
1.5.3 – 2022-10-09
Fixed Speedy offices selection for the Sofia city
1.5.5 – 2022-10-09
Fixed Speedy offices selection for the Sofia city №2
1.5.6 – 2022-10-09
Fixed Speedy offices selection for the Sofia city №3
1.6 – 2023-01-19
Removed Econt username and password fields since they are not needed for the plugin to work
Added an option to disable messages about the free shipping earned
Added ability to enable only particular shipping methods (not all at the same time)
Made Econt office alias visible along with the address to ease up the search
Added ability to specify custom list of fields which should be used when “Delivery to address” option is chosen and hidden otherwise
Added option to show all delivery fields altogether (without entering the phone number)
Added check whether Speedy office is opened before adding it to the list of available
Preventing plugin logic from being loaded on non-checkout pages
1.6.1 – 2023-01-19
fixed version issue
1.6.2 – 2023-01-21
Fixed Econt shipping calculation issue
1.7 – 2023-01-22
Added option to explicitly calculate final order price in the checkout page
Speedy/Econt data collection is done only when proper office’ option is enabled
DB tables are now removed on plugin deactivation
1.7.1 – 2023-01-22
fixed version issue
1.7.2 – 2023-01-22
Fixed Speedy offices storage logic
1.7.3 – 2023-01-22
Fixed issue of not loading offices
Added settings link to the plugins view
1.8 – 2023-01-23
Added ability to force refresh the offices/sites tables
Made faster data insertion logic
1.8.1 – 2023-01-23
Fixed translation
Fixed _options table name
1.8.2 – 2023-01-23
fixed version issue
1.8.3 – 2023-01-26
Fixed table data refresh issues
1.8.4 – 2023-01-26
Fixed sporadically clearing of the offices tables
1.8.5 – 2023-01-26
Small improvement on price calculation on checkout page
1.9 – 2023-01-28
Made delivery prices shown at the thank you page and in the confirmation email
Added option to make email address optional
All offices are now updated in 1 transaction
Fixed nasty econt offices update issue
1.9.1 – 2023-01-28
Fixed shipping method calculation issue
1.9.2 – 2023-01-28
Small improvement on the way labels are stored
1.9.3 – 2023-01-31
Made correct delivery price shown in the rightmost column on checkout
Made possible setting the order of delivery options as they appear at checkout page
1.9.4 – 2023-01-31
Fixed to address delivery method
Fixed translation part
1.9.5 – 2023-02-01
Made delivery price included in emails and order total only when option is chosen
Fixed absent free delivery label from the orders placed
1.9.6 – 2023-03-07
Fixed onAjaxComplete handler so that it properly work with the final price changes
1.9.7 – 2023-03-15
Removed final price re-calculation logic for the case when delivery price is included in the final order price.
This might cause issues with other plugins which do the ajax refresh. Not sure how to fix it properly for now.
1.9.8 – 2023-03-15
Added ability to specify shipping methods which will have store message left till free delivery
Now possible to have shipping methods w/o free delivery option
1.9.9 – 2023-03-20
Fixed ’till free delivery’ message and price calculation (again)
1.10.0 – 2023-03-25
Fixed overall price calculation. Hiding original div and adding totally new one to handle all ajax-based refreshes correctly
Made delivery fields mandatory (in UI)
1.10.1 – 2023-03-25
Fixed ‘left till free delivery’ message
Fixed unnecessary execution of functions which were invoked by timer
1.10.2 – 2023-03-25
Fixed the refresh logic not working in some cases
Fixed first name focusing logic
1.10.3 – 2023-03-25
Fixed appearance of ‘left till free delivery’ message when has just opened the checkout page
1.10.4 – 2023-03-29
Fixed first name field focus on first time checkout page is opened
Fixed ‘free delivery’ label not added to the office name (admin only)
1.11.0 – 2023-04-18
Improved handing of the ajax price refresh on the checkout page
Compatible with WP version 6.2
1.11.1 – 2023-05-14
Made no focusing on the first name field if it already has a value
Hidden delivery details from the cart page
Preventing scroll to top on cart contents update (left till free delivery re-calculation)
1.12.0 – 2023-06-01
Fixed name of delivery html option
Fixed escaping for the delivery html option
Fixed offices update logic
Fixed jQuery loading in case site uses some custom version
1.12.1 – 2023-06-01
Fixed version issue
1.12.2 – 2023-06-02
Added option to use custom jQuery version
1.12.3 – 2023-06-02
Added new option to not validate the region/city/address
1.12.4 – 2023-06-16
Declared compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS
1.13.0 – 2023-06-19
Fixed the force table refresh issue
1.13.1 – 2023-08-10
Compatible with WP 6.3
1.13.2 – 2024-03-12
Made to office field value wrap
Compatible with WP 6.4
1.13.3 – 2024-03-14
Regional centers are set to be first in list of cities
1.13.4 – 2024-03-14
Fixed version tag
1.14.0 – 2024-03-14
Cities selection fixed
1.14.1 – 2024-04-29
Fixed indices errors in logs
1.14.2 – 2024-04-30
Fixed indices errors in logs
1.15 – 2024-08-04
Added the free label suffix setting
1.15.1 – 2024-08-04
Fixed free shipping label suffix