Plugin Tag: add
Add File Version (AFV)
(0 total ratings)Add File Version (AFV) can automatically or manually add file version to the CSS/JS files that were added using wp_enqueue_style and wp_enqueue_script …
Simple Import Users
(0 total ratings)Allows blog administrators to add multiple users to blogs at a time.
(0 total ratings)Gestiona los clicks de las publicidades de tu sito, colocandole un simple link que redirecciona a la web del
Anchor Highlighter
(0 total ratings)This plugins adds a class to the anchors that matches the url on your browser so you can style it with css.
Add Submit Button On Top
(0 total ratings)Adds a 2nd Submit button on top of the page when editing your Admin Settings.
Add User Autocomplete
(0 total ratings)Enables autocomplete for the Add Existing User field at Dashboard > Users > Add New. Requires Multisite.
Easy Google Analytics Tracking Code
(1 total ratings)Easy way to add your google analytics tracking code to your wordpress blog.