Plugin Tag: button
TP Chat Lite
(0 total ratings)This plugins helps you to contact with your customer with a WhatsApp floating button. Very easy to use. Support is super active to help you.
Click to Scroll
(0 total ratings)Click to Scroll allows you easily add a button which smoothly brings the user back to the top of the page. It adds the button to the admin area as wel …
(1 total ratings)Fullscreen Button Plugin, with a stylable Unicode Symbol for your WordPress.
TID Scroll to Top
(0 total ratings)TID Scroll to top plugin will help to go back to top clicking the top icon.
Random Post Link
(1 total ratings)Generates a link that takes a visitor to a random post, but never the same as before.
Back to Top Button
(3 total ratings)Over 171 free icons Scroll Back to Top Button and unlimited colors – custom button.
SeerBit Payment Gateway plugin for WooCommerce
(1 total ratings)Start accepting payments on your WooCommerce store using SeerBit for WooCommerce plugin
Add to Cart Button Custom Text and Color
(3 total ratings)Allows to customize the Add to cart button text in WooCommerce by product type in both archive and single product pages and also allow to change wooco …
Gosign – Button Block
(0 total ratings)This plugin creates a button block. it could be with icon, with custom url, border with different width and positions and alot of custom options.
Download HTML TinyMCE Button
(1 total ratings)Download a post or page as HTML with the click of a button.
Pinterest Pin It Button For Images
(2 total ratings)Add a Pin It! button over your images! CSS3 Fade In/Out with the ability to upload your own custom image!
(3 total ratings)Likely are "the social sharing buttons that aren't shabby". Social sharing buttons with two themes, three sizes, ten social networks, a …
Missing Widgets for Elementor
(0 total ratings)Usefull widgets for Elementor that other widgetbuilders have missed.
Special Social Sharing icons
(1 total ratings)Adds a set of cool icons and widgets at the end of your post for your readers to share. Adds more new icon….
MelAbu WP Download Counter Button
(5 total ratings)Counting your downloads the simple way, on pages, posts and widgets with WP short code
TweetMeme Button
(0 total ratings)The TweetMeme Retweet button is the defacto standard in retweeting – used by some of the biggest websites in the world including Techcrunch.
Twitter Follow Button for WordPress
(1 total ratings)Add the Follow Button to your website to increase engagement and create a lasting connection with your audience.
2-Klicks-Button – Socialshareprivacy Plugin
(2 total ratings)Wordpress-Plugin Umsetzung des 2-Klick-Button Scripts von Datenschutz freundliche Social-Media-Einbindung von Facebook, Twitter und Google+.