Plugin Tag: chat
Recibir mensajes instantáneos
(1 total ratings)Añade botón flotante para que los visitantes puedan contactar directamente vía WhatsApp.
Umnico Live Chat — Free Chat Plugin & Social Widget
(9 total ratings)Free live chat widget designed to boost the conversion rate on your website and engage visitors with proactive conversations.
BuddyPress Group Chatroom
(3 total ratings)This plugin provides neat chatrooms into BuddyPress groups. Each Group admin can enable a group Chat room, available for all group members to view and …
Rock The Slackbot
(15 total ratings)Rock The Slackbot helps you stay on top of changes by sending notifications straight to you and your team inside your Slack account.
Olark for WP
(1 total ratings)Olark for WP makes it easy for WordPress authors to offer live help/chat on their sites. Or even just a one-on-one chat mechanism.
SaleSmartly – Live Chat & Chat Bot Integrate
(1 total ratings)Smart Sales Human service for your customers
Free Click To Chat Button by TimelinesAI
(0 total ratings)Add a Whatsapp Live chat widget/click-to-chat buton for your WordPress website for free. Place the Whatsapp button on your website and keep the conve …
Subiz – Live chat
(12 total ratings)Install Subiz live chat plugin and provide instant support for visitors to your website!
Floating Chat Button : Contact Chat Icons, Telegram Chat, Line Messenger, WeChat, Email, SMS, Call Button – QuixChat
(4 total ratings)WhatsApp Chat, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Viber, Email, Line, WeChat, Phone Call, SMS, and More chat widget to connect with your website visitors.
HTML5 chat
(9 total ratings)Html5 chat is a WP plugin to quickly add webcam video chat to your wordpress.
KiwiChat NextClient
(3 total ratings)KiwiChat is an online chat client, your IRC client based on kiwiirc Add your networks. Join your channels.
TechGasp Talk Master
(10 total ratings)TechGasp Talk Master is the Skype supreme plugin for any Wordpress powered website.
Richpanel – Customer Support Helpdesk & Chat
(7 total ratings)Free Live Chat & Help desk for WooCommerce. Integrate in 2 mins.
Chatbot & Live Chat for WP – WotNot
(0 total ratings)Add a Free Chatbot to your WordPress to automate lead generation and scale your customer support – with zero code.
Better Messages – Integration for WC Vendors Marketplace
(0 total ratings)Better Messages – Integration for WC Vendors Marketplace
Novocall – Callback Widget
(0 total ratings)Novocall is a powerful callback widget that helps increase your web conversion by prompting interested visitors with a free callback in seconds, while …
Всплывающие окна, обратный звонок, онлайн-чат, виджеты сбора лидов, виджет обратной связи – ProdaLet WordPress Plugin
(2 total ratings) позволяет повышать конверсию сайта за счет мощных конверсионных виджетов, всплывающих окон для сбора лидов, предложения купонов и промокод …
Send Chat Tools
(2 total ratings)Send Chat Tools is a plugin that allows you to send WordPress announcements to chat tools.
I Am Gloria
(0 total ratings)Answers about your company: In our back office, customers have the ability to upload documentation, Questions, and Answers (Q&A), websites, and an …