This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

TR Post Slider Widget


TR Post Slider Widget is an effective tool for adding post sliders to your website. There are 3 different widgets – post widget, featured image widget and post with thumbnail widget. This plugin sets individual category post by using category slug. There are 7 transition effects.


  1. 3 different widgets for post content and featured image.
  2. Title Show/Hide option.
  3. Specific category post showing using category slug (category1, category2,….).
  4. Specific Tag post showing using tag slug (tag1, tag2,….).
  5. Number of post showing option.
  6. Read More Option (Show/Hide)
  7. Show number of content letters.
  8. Slider Speed Control Option.
  9. Slider Duration Control Option.
  10. Slider Navigation Option.
  11. Slider Pagination Option.

Support & Customizations

If you have any question or need any assistance regarding the customization or plugin then feel free to contact us.

If you find any bug in our plugin, let us know.

Also, don’t forget to rate us! Your valuable feedback will help us to make this plugin more improved.


  • Widget Create After Active This Plugin.

  • TR Post Slider Widget.

  • TR Post Featured image widget.

  • In Front Side.


Using the WordPress Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugin dashboard
  2. Search for ‘TR Post Slider Widget’
  3. Click ‘Install Now’
  4. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard

Uploading in WordPress Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to ‘Add New’ in the plugin dashboard
  2. Navigate to ‘Upload’ area
  3. Select from your computer
  4. Click ‘Install Now’
  5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Download
  2. Extract the tr-post-slider-widget directory to your computer
  3. Upload the directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard


Is it free?

Yes, it is completely free.

How Can I show Specific Category Post?

Type only category slug name in the category slug field.

How can I Find Category slug name?

Go to the category tab in your WordPress admin panel. You will find category slug there

Is it possible to show 2 category post?

Yes. Possible. [Ex- cat-1, cat-2].

Is it possible to show only one post?

Yes. Possible.

For any further questions, you can contact us.


Сентябрь 3, 2016-ж. 1 reply
This is exactly what I need. In widget-post-featured-image.php at line 90 please make ID as dynamic ( id=”tr-fs-post-shuffle-‘.$widgetID.'” ) in case if one needs more than one widget slider it creates duplication. And insterad of cycling with class make it with ID at line 130 ($(‘#tr-fs-post-shuffle-$widgetID’).cycle() ). Thanks for your plugin again.
Сентябрь 3, 2016-ж. 1 reply
I needed a content slide to show my recent posts. I’ve tried 5 other plugins that are available here. I’m not saying that the others are not good but I just simply couldn’t get them work for me the way I needed. For my needs, this one is the perfect one. It’s definitely not a money making copy-cat plugin. Plenty of setting choices (for my needs) and it works as it should. Well deserved 5 stars. Thanks.
Сентябрь 3, 2016-ж. 1 reply
Have used this plugin in one of my websites. Works great! Plus reply from the plugin author is very quick. He accepted my feature requests and have immediate changes to the plugin. Really, great customer service to a very good plugin that actually works and compatible with the latest versions of wordpress. Thanks a lot!! Das
Февраль 8, 2017-ж.
This is awesome. Great set of options, easy to style with CSS, and fits well automatically in various sizes of sidebars. I did set a max height because the featured image widget holds white space at the bottom to fit the tallest image, but that was easy. Before trying this, I’d been fighting to adjust the images in another widget slider plugin for hours without much success. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the great plugin!!
Read all 10 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“TR Post Slider Widget” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




no updates.


navigation added.
pagination added.


post with thumbnail widget added.


post feature image widget- always show title option add.